Worms Armageddon

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Worms Armageddon
Name of the file: Worms Armageddon - Author: ANO - [PSX]

Cool As Ice level
The ice mission near the start is easier than it looks. Collect as many crates as possible without using any utilities, then use the jet pack to get up to the next section near the guard. Collect all the crates there and stand on the polar bear's head. Point the flame thrower at a spot just to the left of the guard, and fire. You should get through the barrier protecting him, and the flames should send him into the water. Strap on your jetpack and get to the flamethrower. The flamethrower is the most important item on this level. Use it to shoot at your opponents. If it does not immediately kill them, shoot a fire barrel to finish them off.

Desperation attack
If you are almost dead and a lot of worms are nearby, use the Banana Bomb to blow them all up.

Home runs
Find an enemy worm standing fairly close to the edge of the level. Use the baseball bat to hit him into the water to get a "home run" complete with baseball bat cracking sound, baseball message (like "It's Outta Here", or "Bases Loaded"), and organ music.

Super Sheep Racing
If you have collected a crate at the very left of the level, and the next crate appears at the very right, deliberately crash or detonate your current sheep and set off a new one. This will save time.

View: 7113 times
Updated: 2004.02.25

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