X-Men vs. Street Fighter

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X-Men vs. Street Fighter
Name of the file: X-Men vs. Street Fighter - Author: ANO - [PSX]

Fight as Gouki
Highlight Magneto, Juggernaut, Dhalsim, or Vega and press Up at the character selection screen.

Fight as Street Fighter Alpha 2 version of Chun Li
Highlight Chun Li on the character selection screen. Hold Select for at least five seconds and press any button.

Hidden Options
Enter Triangle,Triangle,Right,O,L1. Keep trying to activate the code. An EX OPTION will come leting you change you GAUGE AND MODE EX AND ORIGINAL.pick original and go to VS and the tag-team should be the opposite of the1p Team,EX--Player 1--Cyclop,Ryu, Player2--Ryu,Cyclops.

Random character select
Highlight Wolverine and hold Down/Left on the character selection screen to choose a random character for player one. For player two, highlight Ken.

Play as Apocalypse
To play Apoclypse highlight Akuma then hold select for 5 seconds and hit R1. He is hard to use!

View: 7879 times
Updated: 2004.02.25

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