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Name of the file: X-Squad - Author: ANO - [PSX]

Unlimited health:
Press start and hold L1, R1, press Square, Circle, Circle, Triangle, X, Triangle, Square, Left, Right, Up, X

All weapons:
During any mission hold select and start and quickly press X, X, Circle, X, Left, Down, Square. You will also get a new weapon called 'Marooner'.

Start with different ranks:

Start with a Private rank:
At the title screen, press Square, Circle, Triangle, then start a new game.

Start with a Sergeant rank:
At the title screen, press Triangle, Circle, Square, then start a new game.

Start with a Lieutenant rank:
At the title screen, press R1, L2, L1, R2, then start a new game.

Start with a Captain rank:
At the title screen, press Circle, R1, Circle, L1, Triangle, R2, then start a new game.

Start with a Major rank:
At the title screen, press L2, Square,R2, Triangle, L1, Circle, R1, then start a new game.

Start with a Colonel rank:
At the title screen, press Triangle, Square, Circle, Square, Triangle, Circle, then start a new game.

Start with a General rank:
At the title screen, press L1, L1, L2, L2, R1, R1, R2, R2, then start a new game.

Start with a Master of X-Squad rank:
At the title screen, press Circle, Circle, Circle, Circle, Triangle, Square, Square, Square, Square, then start a new game.

Defeating the Flamethrower Boss:
When he uses his flame gun, always stay away from it as it can set you alight. Kill any guards who jump down, then face him again. Once his yellow bar is empty, he will die.

More bonus points:
Shoot all the environment-like computers, explosive barrels, cabinets, etc.

Buying weapons:
Press the acquire button and select "Weapons". You can get a rocket launcher, flame gun, assault rifle, and sniper rifle including a grenade gun.

Instant Promotion
Enter these Codes at the Main Menu,Start a new game and you will have more ammo,extra weapons,and special features depending on your rank.

MASTER OF X-SQUAD:Circlex4,Triangle,Squarex4

View: 5736 times
Updated: 2004.02.25

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