UFC : Sudden Impact

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UFC : Sudden Impact
Name of the file: UFC : Sudden Impact - Author: ANO - [PSX]

Legend Mode
Legend mode is unlocked for any player you use to win championship mode--that player will also get a new move.

Big John McCarthy - View the "You Lose" screen 50 times
Bas Rutten - Win HW title a second time
Dan Severn - Win Championship Road LHW title with Frank Shamrock
Frank Shamrock - Win LHW Title
Guy Mezger - Win LHW title a second time
Jens Pulver - Win Championship Road LW title
Jeremy Horn - Win LHW title a third time
Mark Coleman - Win HW title a third time
Maurice Smith - Win HW title
Murilo Bustamante - Win Championship Road MW title.
Pete Williams - Win HW title a fifth time
Tsyoshi Kohsaka - Win HW title a fourth time

View: 7432 times
Updated: 2004.04.30

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