102 Dalmatians

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102 Dalmatians
Name of the file: 102 Dalmatians - Author: ANO - [PSX]

Level Passwords
Level 2 - Dice, Bone, Bone, Dice
Level 3 - Dice, Key, Bone, Machine
Level 4 - Dice, Bone, Food Bowl, Toy
Level 5 - Bone, Dice, Dog, Bone
Level 6 - Bone, Dice, Machine, Food Bowl
Level 7 - Bone, Bone, Paw, Dog
Level 8 - Bone, Bone, Paw, Toy
Level 9 - Bone, Toy, Key, Bone
Level 10 - Bone, Toy, Key, Dice
Level 11 - Bone, Toy, Bone, Machine
Level 12 - Bone, Machine, Dice, Toy
Level 13 - Bone, Machine, Toy, Key
Level 14 - Bone, Toy, Paw, Food Bowl
Level 15 - Bone, Toy, Toy, Machine
Level 16 - Bone, Paw, Toy, Toy
Level 17 - Toy, Bone, Key, Bone

Bonus 1 - Machine, Dice, Dice, Dice
Bonus 2 - Machine, Dice, Dice, Machine

Fly over hay:
When in the barnyard level, go to the tractor and turn left to the hay. Find the a corner with a blue spot . Jump on to it and you will fly over the hay.

View: 6644 times
Updated: 2004.01.29

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