Getaway : Black Monday

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Getaway : Black Monday
Name of the file: Getaway : Black Monday - Author: ANO - [PSX]

Double Health
Press Up(2), Left(2), Right(2), Circle(2), Down during the opening introduction before the main menu appears.

Unlimited Ammo
Press: up, down, left, right, triangle, up, down left, right, square during the opening introduction before the Main Menu appears.

Cruising Around
There is a hidden car for CRUISING AROUND. It is a yellow getaway car which resembles as an F1 car. From the map, it is parked on the lane opposite the Victorian Pumphouse, near the Tower of London, facing the River of Thames. If you are not sure where is the Tower of London located. Open the map at (The map on the PS2 doesnot give you any info locations.You must refer the website) Select location. Its on the rightside of the map. Having fun cruising around london with the yellow black monday car!

Blue Lemans
Search outside the Soreditch Boxing Club.

Citroen Camper Van
Search on Kensigton Road, below Hyde Park.

Citroen Kebab Van
Search near Waterloo Road.

Eyetoy Lemans
Go to Marylebone and search near a garage where you can save your cars.

Penny Farthing
Go to Mayfair and search in front of a big archway at the top left of the area.

The Getawaylemans
Search behind the Tower of London.

View: 9060 times
Updated: 2004.12.01

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