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Name of the file: 2Xtreme - Author: ANO - [PSX]

Bonus track
The following tricks can be completed on any course track. For easier execution, disable the CPU opponents. At the beginning of the course, perform an easy trick (Square, Triangle) on the first ramp. Increase speed, then perform a medium trick (Square, Circle, Triangle) on the second ramp. Perform another medium trick on the third ramp. Finally, perform a hard trick (Square, X, Triangle, Circle) on the fourth ramp and finish the race. Now a Japan bonus track will begin loading.

Difficulty Code Trick
Easy Square, Triangle Grabs board
Medium 1 Square, Circle, Triangle Kickflip
Medium 2 Square, Circle, Triangle Heelflip
Hard Square, X, Triangle, Circle Front flip
Special Triangle, X, Square, Circle 360 spin

Easy Square, Triangle Grabs board
Medium 1 Square, Circle, Triangle Another grab
Medium 2 Square, Circle, Triangle 360 spin
Hard Square, X, Triangle, Circle Rodeo flip
Special 1 Triangle, Square, X, Circle Front flip
Special 2 Triangle, Circle, X, Square or
Square, Triangle, Circle, X ?

Mountain bike
Easy Square, Triangle Split
Medium 1 Square, Circle, Triangle 360 spin
Medium 2 Square, Circle, Triangle Back flip
Hard Square, X, Triangle, Circle Tail-whip
Special 1 X, Square, Triangle, Circle Tabletop
Special 2 X, Circle, Square, Triangle Dismount

In-Line Skates
Easy Square, Triangle ?
Medium 1 Square, Circle, Triangle Air Unity
Medium 2 Square, Circle, Triangle Split
Hard Square, X, Triangle, Circle 360 spin
Special 1 Circle, Square, X, Triangle Front flip
Special 2 X, Triangle, Circle, Square ?


Game Shark Codes

Always Place First P1 8007D4CC 0000
Skate Boarders Speed is Always ?? P1 8007D490 00??
Race Time is Always 0.000 80043E3C 0000
Character Creation Codes [Note]
Max Muscle 80130004 00FF
Max Endurance 8012FE2C 00FF
Max Speed 8012FC54 00FF
Max Reflexes 8012FA7C 00FF
Max Tricks 8012F8A4 00FF
Max Skateboarding 8012F6CC 00FF
Max Inlineskating 8012F4F4 00FF
Max Snowboarding 8012F31C 00FF
Max Mountainbiking 8012F144 00FF
Max Handling (Skate Board) 8012EF6C 00FF
Max Acceleration (Skate Board) 8012ED94 00FF
Max Top Speed (Skate Board) 8012EBBC 00FF
Max Handling (Inline Skates) 8012E9E4 00FF
Max Acceleration (Inline Skates) 8012E80C 00FF
Max Top Speed (Inline Skates) 8012E634 00FF
Max Handling (Snow Board) 8012E45C 00FF
Max Acceleration (Snow Board) 8012E284 00FF
Max Top Speed (Snow Board) 8012E0AC 00FF
Max Handling (Mountain Bike) 8012DED4 00FF
Max Acceleration (Mountain Bike) 8012DCFC 00FF
Max Top Speed (Mountain Bike) 8012DB24 00FF

Note: Enter the character selection screen and activate each option, then press Left on each option

View: 7123 times
Updated: 2004.01.29

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