Devil May Cry 3 : Dante's Awakening

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Devil May Cry 3 : Dante's Awakening
Name of the file: Devil May Cry 3 : Dante's Awakening - Author: ANO - [PSX]

Get Everything
At the start menu hold L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 then rotate the Left Analog-stick. You will here a voice say "Devil May Cry and all modes, costumes, and galleries will be unlocked.

Unlockable Costumes and Characters
At the mission select screen, press R1 or L1 to select a different outfit or character:

Super Dante - Complete Dante Must Die
Legendary Dark Knight - Clear Hard Mode
DMC1 Dante - Complete Normal
Coatless Dante - Complete either Easy or Normal
Coatless DMC1 Dante - Complete Hard

Unlocking All the Modes, Costumes, and Gallery
At the Start Menu, hold down L1, L2, R1, R2 and rotate the left analog stick until you hear Devil May Cry.

Alternate Ending
Kill 100 enemies during the credits to get a different ending screen.

Devil May Cry 1 Dante
Press R1 or L1 at the mission select screen to get different characters. Beat the game on normal.

DMC1 song: Lock and Load
In the 3rd mission there is a jukebox in the bar. If you slash it with your sword you'll hear a remixed version of "Lock and Load" (a song from the original DMC) for a short period of time.

Easy Mode
Die twice in normal mode.

Extra ending
Kill over 100 enemies during the ending credits and get a special screen and cutscene.

Infinite Devil Trigger
Beat Dante must die mode.

Loading screen trick
When loading, you can press either 'triangle' or 'square' button to slash or shoot respectively at the 'NOW LOADING' word.

Shirtless Dante
Press R1 or L1 at the mission select screen to get different characters. Beat the game on easy.

Shirtless Devil May Cray 1 Dante
Press R1 or L1 at the mission select screen to get different characters. Beat the game on hard.

Two Players
When using the doppelganger style, plug in a controller in port 2. Press start during gameplay to control your shadow with the 2nd controller.

Unlock Dante Must Die
Beat Hard Mode.

Unlock Doppleganger style
Defeat Shadow enemy at the end of mission 17.

Unlock Gallery
Complete Easy or Normal.

Unlock Gallery update
Complete Hard.

Unlock Hard Mode
Beat Normal Mode.

Unlock Heaven or Hell
Beat Dante Must die.

Unlock Quicksilver style
Defeat Greyon at the end of mission 12.

Unlock Sparda
Press R1 or L1 at the mission select screen to get different characters. Beat the game on hard.

Unlock the Legendary Dark Knight
Press R1 or L1 at the mission select screen to get different characters. Beat the game on hard.

View: 10264 times
Updated: 2005.03.19

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