Alien Hominid

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Alien Hominid
Name of the file: Alien Hominid - Author: ANO - [PSX]

Super Soviet Missile Master mini-game
Complete level 1-5 and the Super Soviet Missile Master mini-game will be unlocked after the intermission sequence.

Bonus life
Dig next to a flower to get an extra life.

Hidden Hats
In the Options Menu, where you can rename your alien, use the following names to unlock hidden hats for the 2 player game:

* cletus
* april
* superfly
* goodman
* grrl
* abe
* princess
* dandy
* tomfulp

Level 1-4: Chicken hat
Destroy the Benemoth building. You should hear a foghorn sound to indicate that the hat has been unlocked.

Level 3-4: Extra lives
After fighting the Boss (giant green robot with the eye and a fork and knife) and his life reaches zero, he will start exploding. Continue shooting at his eye. He will just continue exploding as long as you shoot, and you will continue gaining points. You can stop when you have about 60,000 points. At the end of the level, you will gain about seventeen lives.

View: 6646 times
Updated: 2005.04.01

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