C3 Racing

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C3 Racing
Name of the file: C3 Racing - Author: ANO - [PSX]

All Reversed Tracks
Complete all thirty normal tracks and you can race them all in the other direction.

All Tracks
Go to the Arcade Mode and highlight Africa. Press R1, R2, R1, L1, square, L1. You'll hear a sound if you entered it correctly.

GTI Cars
Go to the Arcade Mode and highlight Rome. Press L1, circle, R1, square, L2, square. You'll hear a sound if you entered it correctly.

Max Power Track
Go to the Arcade Mode and hightlight Peru. Press circle, square, R2, R2, R1, R1. You'll hear a sound if you entered it correctly.

Performance Cars
Go to the Arcade Mode and highlight United Kingdowm. Press R1, square, L1, circle, R2, circle. You'll hear a sound if you entered it correctly.

Radio Controlled Cars
Go to the Arcade Mode and highlight USA. Press square, L1, R2, L2, circle, R1. You'll hear a sound if you entered it correctly.

Sports Cars
Go to the Arcade Mode and higlight USA. Press R1, square, L2, circle, R2, circle. You'll hear a sound if you entered it correctly.

View: 7677 times
Updated: 2004.02.08

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