EyeToy : Play 2

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EyeToy : Play 2
Name of the file: EyeToy : Play 2 - Author: ANO - [PSX]

Knockout: Easy win
Stand directly behind your opponent and beat them up. When they get ready for a punch, freeze and they will not hit you.

Move penalty machine in Football
After selecting "Football" at the game selection screen, select the penalty machine. When saving penalties, use the D-pad on controller one and move the Left Analog-stick around. This will move the penalty machine. You can now move the machine wide and make it shoot. To make it shoot, press X.

Table Tennis: Easy win
When you are hitting a ball back to your opponent, spin your forearms around very fast and you will not miss it.

View: 5661 times
Updated: 2005.10.30

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