AFL Live 2004

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AFL Live 2004
Name of the file: AFL Live 2004 - Author: ANO - [PSX]

State Of Origin
At start menu press square, square, square, triangle, triangle, triangle and then Circle, Circle, Circle Up Up Up Down Left Left then a sound will make

Thin Players
Select to player mode then have player one press L1,R1,,LEFT ANALOG STICK FORWARD and player two repeatedly press select simultaneously during game play.

Stick men
Enter a two player game and enter the following while the game is in play:
player 1 presses R1, L1, and forward on the left analog stick while player 2 taps select.
(press all of the buttons at the same time)

Gorilla Mode
For Gorilla Mode you must enter a two player game and do the following while the game is in play....
the first playe holds down L1,R1, forward on the left anologue stick and O.
while the first player is doing this the second player....taps select continuously.
(press all of the buttons at the same time)

View: 6636 times
Updated: 2004.01.20

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