Harry Potter And The Goblet of Fire

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Harry Potter And The Goblet of Fire
Name of the file: Harry Potter And The Goblet of Fire - Author: ANO - [PSX]

Collector card bonuses
Successfully complete the indicated card set to unlock the corresponding bonus:

Extra Endurance for Harry: Successfully complete the "Quidittch" card set.
Extra Endurance for Harry: Successfully complete the "Wizards" card set.
Extra Endurance for Ron: Successfully complete the "Dragons" card set.
Extra Endurance for Ron: Successfully complete the "Classical Beasts" card set.
Extra Endurance for Hermione: Successfully complete the "Witches" card set.
Extra Endurance for Hermione: Successfully complete the "Hags" card set.
20 House Points: Successfully complete the "Beasts" card set.
20 House Points: Successfully complete the "Giants" card set.
20 House Points: Successfully complete the "Vampires" card set.
20 House Points: Successfully complete the "Goblins" card set.

Faster dragon chase task
Hold R1 on the first task of the Triwizard Tournament (Dragon Chase) to go faster than normal.

Maximizing Wingardium Leviosa
To maximize Wingardium Leviosa after you get three shields, take the big block you find on the second level of the Forbidden Forest everywhere with you on the level. You will eventually maximize the spell. This can also work with almost any other spell.

Refill Harry's energy
If you get a character/friendship card, stand by Ron or Hermione if you are Harry to refill your energy. You can stand by both of them to refill it faster.

View: 6644 times
Updated: 2005.11.27

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