Championship Motocross - Ricky Carmichael

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Championship Motocross - Ricky Carmichael
Name of the file: Championship Motocross - Ricky Carmichael - Author: ANO - [PSX]

All classes
Enter "ALL_EVENTS" as a name at the name entry screen in championship mode or after finishing a race. Note: "_" indicates a space.

All tracks
Enter "DIRT_TRACKS" as a name at the name entry screen in championship mode or after finishing a race. Note: "_" indicates a space.

Big head mode
Enter "GROSSE_TETE" as a name at the name entry screen in championship mode or after finishing a race. Note: "_" indicates a space.

Mirror mode
Enter "OPPOSITE_LOCK" as a name at the name entry screen in championship mode or after finishing a race. Note: "_" indicates a space. Alternatively, successfully complete the open class championship. Then, choose the "Race Settings" selection under "Options" to access the "Mirror Mode" selection

Wrath Child Fox FMV sequence
Enter "LIVE_ACTION" as a name at the name entry screen in championship mode or after finishing a race. Note: "_" indicates a space. Alternatively, successfully complete the 125 cc, 250 cc, and 500 cc classes. Then, choose the "Extras" selection under "Options" to access the "View Fox Movie" selection.


Game Shark Codes

Unlock All Classes 80086E68 000F
Unlock All Tracks 80086E6C 0FFF
Unlock Mirror Mode 80086E70 0001
Unlock Fox Movie 80086E7C 0001

View: 6238 times
Updated: 2004.02.08

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