Onimusha : Dawn of Dreams

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Onimusha : Dawn of Dreams
Name of the file: Onimusha : Dawn of Dreams - Author: ANO - [PSX]

Alternate costumes
Complete the Test Of Valor. Additional costumes will be unlocked if the Test Of Valor is completed with all Gold ranks.

Hard mode
Complete the game on the Normal difficulty setting.

Jubei has tennis racket weapon
Go to Special option at the main menu. Select the Exit option at the Special menu, then press L1, R1, Right, L2, Triangle, Right, L1, Right, L3, R1.

Ohatsu has piggy bank weapon
Go to Special option at the main menu.Select the Exit option at the Special menu, then press Right, Triangle, Left, L3, L1, Triangle, Square, R2, Square, R2.

Oni Mode
Complete Hard Mode.

Roberto has boxing gloves weapon
Go to Special option at the main menu. Select the Exit option at the Special menu, then press Triangle, R3, Triangle, Right, R1, L3, Triangle, L1, Right, L3.

Soki has steel pipe weapon
Go to Special option at the main menu. Select the Exit option at the Special menu, then press L2, Square, Triangle, R1(2), R3, Left, Square, L1, Triangle.

Tenkai gets microphone stand weapon
Go to Special option at the main menu. Select the Exit option at the Special menu, then press R2, R3, Square, Left(2), Right, L2, Left, R2, Left.

Two Player Mode
At the title screen, both players hold R1+L2. Then the second player presses START, and there will have sound effect if the code is entered successfully.

Ultimate Oni
Beat the game once on Oni mode.

Unlock Onimusha Arena
Choose the Special option at the main menu. Highlight the Exit option at the Special menu, after press Square, L1, R2, Square, Left, L1, L2, L3, Right, Triangle.

Unlock Street Fighter Clothes
Go to the menu screen, select Special and leave the cursor on the word exit and enter one of the following codes:

Unlock Jubei Cammy's clothes
Press L2, L2, Right, Right, L3, Triangle, Left, L1, L2, Square buttons.

Unlock Ohatsu Chun-Li's clothes
Press R3, Right, L2, Left, Left, R3, L1, R1, Right, R3 buttons.

Unlock Roberto Guile's clothes
Press R2, L2, Left, L1, Left, Right, R3, Square, Square, Triangle buttons.

Unlock Soki Ryu's clothes
Press Left, Triangle, R2, R3, Square, R1, R1, Right, Left, L2 buttons.

Unlock Tenkai Ken's clothes
Press L3, L3, R3, R3, R3, Left, R2, L1, Square, Right buttons.

View: 11819 times
Updated: 2006.04.21

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