Command & Conquer

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Command & Conquer
Name of the file: Command & Conquer - Author: ANO - [PSX]

Access Covert Operations missions:
1. Go to the password screen.
2. Enter COVERTOPS as the password.
3. You can now access the Covert Operations missions. There are different missions for NOD and GDI on their respective discs.

Quick cash:
1. Pause the game.
2. Press right, Down, Down, Left, L1, Left, Right, Down, and Left. 3. You will get $5000.

Instant air strike:
1. Pause the game.
2. Press Right, Down, Left, Left, Down, Right, Right, Down, Left, X, Square, and Circle.
3. You will get an air strike.

Ion Cannon charge:
1. Pause the game.
2. Press Right, Down, Left, Left, Down, Right, Right, Down, Left, X, Square, and Triangle.
3. You will get an Ion Cannon charge.

Reveal the map:
1. Pause the game.
2. Press Circle, Circle, Circle, Up, Circle, Circle, R1, Circle, Circle, and Circle.
3. The map will be revealed.

Get a nuclear weapons:
1. Pause the game.
2. Press Right, Down, Left, Left, Down, Right, Right, Left, Down, X, Up and X.
3.You should have a nuclear weapon.

These codes will work for both the GDI and NOD.

Secret Level:
On the GDI disk, enter your password as PATSUX. This takes you to a secret level where you start with 12 commandos, $10,000 and a lot of tiberium!

Japanese Mode:
Enter the password "GODZILLA". All voices will be in Japanese

GDI Passwords:
02 -- 04XFOOP3W
03 -- W3KIESA3O
04 -- A8OTO3WIW
05 -- W1N457LJ4
07 -- OX3CS3D4G
08 -- 036Y0TVNY
09 -- V199PXG5L
10 -- 8PH1NEGII
11 -- GTJKF2J00
12 -- T0RMFVVM5
13 -- AQU7OQ65A
14 -- KV2UWMZJ9
15 -- GTJ2PV46O

NOD Passwords:
02 -- C99FAXKW8
04 -- W1954XWLF
05 -- W15DASRS8
06 -- 8PH1MR53W
08 -- YKK424K3D
09 -- 874LCPUT4
11 -- OX3UKOP94
13 -- SZP09VDSB

Faster construction:
Build at least 3 baracs and switch to the build menu. Now make a soldier and you will see him being constructed much faster!

View: 10988 times
Updated: 2004.02.08

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