Madden NFL 07

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Madden NFL 07
Name of the file: Madden NFL 07 - Author: JAY - [PSX]

Madden Cheat Codes
Under Madden Cards, highlight Madden Codes on the drop down menu and press x. The game will prompt you to enter a code. Enter the following codes to obtain these Cheat Cards: (case sensitive)

Password - Effect
5LAQO0 - This unlocks the gold version of madden card #199, the Lame Duck cheat. When this card is played, your opponent will throw a lob pass for one half.

XL7SP1 - This unlocks the gold version of madden card #200, the Mistake Free cheat. When played, you can't fumble or throw interceptions for one half

WROA0R This unlocks the gold version of madden card #210, the QB on Target cheat. When this card is played, your QB accuracy will be 100% for one half.

Performance Institute Revisit
You can use performance institute more than once in one week during the superstar mode and Hall of Fame modes. To use the performance institute more than once in one week (this assumes if your agent lets you use it) first go to your schedule and simulate up to the day that you have your game, then go to the performance institute and do your normal drill. Now go to your schedule and start your game, but when you get to the kickoff, quit and go back to the performance institute and you should be able to attend once more (before the game).

Run to Daylight Tips
When using Lead Blocker Control, you have a number of different block types that you can use. The trick to effective blocking learning when to use the different blocks. Impact blocks (Up on the Right Stick) are better suited if you have a size advantage against the player you are blocking, while Cut Blocks (Down on the Right Stick) are better if the defender is bigger than you. Turn Blocking (L2 and R2) works best for offensive linemen when they are trying to create an interior hole for the running back. If you ever find yourself beaten and you must resort to dirty tactics, then Holding (L1) might be your only option!

When running with the ball, you are going to have to get creative in order to beat the NFL

View: 6388 times
Updated: 2006.10.21

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