Cool Boarders 3

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Cool Boarders 3
Name of the file: Cool Boarders 3 - Author: ANO - [PSX]

All tracks:
Select tournament mode and enter WONITALL as a name. The word "Cheater" will be spoken to confirm correct code entry.

All boarders:
Select tournament mode and enter OPEN_EM as a name. Note "_" indicates a space. The word "Cheater" will be spoken to confirm correct code entry.

All boards:
Select tournament mode and enter GET_EM as a name. Note "_" indicates a space. The word "Cheater" will be spoken to confirm correct code entry.

Big head mode:
Select tournament mode and enter BIGHEADS as a name. The word "Cheater" will be spoken to confirm correct code entry. Press R2 to increase or L2 to decrease head size.

Display coordinates:
Select tournament mode and enter SHOWPOS as a name. The word "Cheater" will be spoken to confirm correct code entry. Your character's position will be displayed in the lower left corner of the screen.

View game programming date:
Press L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 at the menu with one player/multi-player split screen options. The game's completion date will be displayed in the lower right corner of the screen.

Control camera:
Press Select during game play to choose from multiple close-up views.

Control replay camera:
Hold Left during a replay to switch to slow motion or hold Down to pause.

Eliminate falling snow:
Start a run (and finish if desired), quit, then repeatedly press X. Resume to race with no falling snow and a further view.

Advance directly to start:
Repeatedly press X at at the start of the level or mountain to go directly to the start of the run.

Collect all the snowmen in the special round to unlock Spazz. Touch all of the snowmen and proceed on to the next one.

Play same character in two player mode:
Enter split screen and have both players select a character, board, and stage. Quit the race after a few seconds and return to the main screen. Highlight two player, but do not select that option. Quickly press X on controller one as fast as possible at the mode selection screens, then do the same on controller two. Have player two look for the character that was selected by player one. If done correctly, the character that was chosen by player one will be selectable.

Hint: Big air:
Begin game play on Mt. Koji. Hold Triangle when you get to the two rails on the downhill.

Hint: More hang time:
To get more hang time than usual, press X, Triangle before a railing. If done correctly, you will get about three more seconds of hang time allowing you to do more tricks.

Glitch: CPU players cheat:
Start a tournament or a single race and play Boarder X, Downhill, or Slalom. Defeat the CPU opponent by about five seconds. When you get to the finish line, look at the scoreboard. Your opponent should not have finished yet -- check his time, then press X to exit. When it shows the final time, your opponent will have a faster time than you originally saw.

Glitch: Railslide finish:
At the finish, jump very high. When you are about to touch the top of the finish sign, press Triangle. You should do a railslide. You can get more points at the end.

View: 6599 times
Updated: 2004.02.08

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