Agile Warrior

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Agile Warrior
Name of the file: Agile Warrior - Author: ANO - [PSX]

Press Left, Square, Square, Square, Square, Up, Triangle, Triangle Triangle, Right, Circle, Down, X, Triangle, Triangle, Triangle, Square.

Infinite Weapons
Press Left, Square, Square, Square, Square, Up, Triangle, Triangle, Triangle, Right, Circle, Down, X, R1, R1, R1, R1, L1, L1, L1, L1, R2, R2, R2, R2, L2, L2, L2, L2.

Fuel and Armor Refill
Press Left, Square, Square, Square, Square, Up, Triangle, Triangle, Triangle, Right, Circle, Down, X, Triangle, Triangle, Triangle, Circle.

Enable Minimum Speed
With the game paused, press Left, Square, Square, Square, Square, Up, Triangle, Triangle, Triangle, Right, Circle, Down, X, Triangle, Triangle, Triangle, X. Your minimum speed is now at 0, you can hover by pressing L1.

Automatic Finish
With the game paused, press Left, Square, Square, Square, Square, Up, Triangle, Triangle, Triangle, Right, Circle, Down, X, Triangle, Triangle, Triangle, Down, Down, Down.

Extra Camera Angles
With the game paused, press Left, Square, Square, Square, Square, Up, Triangle, Triangle, Triangle, Right, Circle, Down, X, Up, Down, Left, Right. You get a new angle every time you enter this code.

FMV End Sequence
With the game paused, press Left, Square, Square, Square, Square, Up, Triangle, Triangle, Triangle, Right, Circle, Down, X, Down, X, Down, X, Down, X, Down, X, Down, X.

Various Stages
At the password screen, enter these to access various stages

5433 - Stage 1 Clear (Pamir Knot and Super Jihad available)
0007 - Stage 2 Clear (Gas Mask Blue and Closing Time available)
1213 - Stage 3 Clear (Dia de los Muertos available)
0224 - Stage 4 Clear (Trident Strike available)
7154 - Stage 5 Clear (Area 51 available)

View: 5153 times
Updated: 2004.01.20

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