Dead or Alive 2 : Hardcore

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Dead or Alive 2 : Hardcore
Name of the file: Dead or Alive 2 : Hardcore - Author: ANO - [PSX]

Infinite score & items in survivial mode
Start a new game in Survival Mode. When your opponent appears, press the blue Eject button on the PlayStation 2 and fight normally. When you defeat the opponent, the time limit will reset to and stay frozen at 40 seconds. Your opponent will lie on the ground, and the next one won't appear! You can continue to attack the fallen opponent by pressing Up + A + B. Each time you do this, an item will appear. You can continue obtaining items and points indefinitely. When you're ready to move on to the next opponent, just press the Eject button again. You can repeat this process for every single opponent. If you die, the screen will fade to white. It will stay in that state until you press Eject again. This trick won't work if you defeat an opponent while ''Danger Reach'' is in effect.

Unlock Costumes:

Primary Method Alternate Method
C3 Complete Story Mode using Ayane on any setting. N/A
C4 Complete Story Mode using Ayane without continuing on default settings or above. Complete Story Mode using Ayane five times on any setting.
C5 Earn 1.5 million points using Ayane in Survival Mode on default settings or above. Play as Ayane more than 25 times.
C6 Complete over 50 stages using Ayane in Survival Mode on any setting. Play as Ayane more than 50 times.
C7 Complete Time Attack Mode using Ayane in less than 4:15 on any setting. Play as Ayane more than 100 times.
C8 Get "Tiara" item using Ayane in Survival Mode on any setting. Play as Ayane more than 200 times.

Primary Method Alternate Method
C3 Complete Story Mode using Bass on any setting. N/A
C4 Complete Story Mode using Bass without continuing on default settings or above. Complete Story Mode using Bass five times.
C5 Get "Championship Belt" item using Bass in Survival Mode on any setting. Play as Bass more than 50 times.

Primary Method Alternate Method
C3 Play as Bayman more than 10 times. N/A
C4 Get "Bayman's Missile" using Bayman in Survival Mode on any setting. Play as Bayman more than 30 times.

Primary Method Alternate Method
C3 Complete Story Mode using Ein on any setting. N/A
C4 Complete Story Mode using Ein without continuing on default settings or above. Complete Story Mode using Ein five times.
C5 Get "Scrolls" item using Ein in Survival Mode on any setting. Play as Ein more than 50 times.

Gen Fu:
Primary Method Alternate Method
C3 Complete Story Mode using Gen on any setting. N/A
C4 Complete Story Mode using Gen without continuing on default settings or above. Complete Story Mode using Gen five times on any setting.
C5 Earn 1 million points using Gen in Survival Mode on default settings or above. Play as Gen more than 30 times.
C6 Win a total of 48 matches using Gen in Survival Mode on default settings or above. Play as Gen more than 75 times.
C7 Get "MahJong Counter" item using Gen in survival mode on any setting. Play as Gen more than 100 times.

Primary Method Alternate Method
C3 Complete Story Mode using Helena on any setting. N/A
C4 Complete Story Mode using Helena without continuing on default settings or above. Complete Story Mode using Helena five times on any setting.
C5 Earn 2 million points using Helena in Survival Mode on default settings or above. Play as Helena more than 30 times.
C6 Complete Time Attack Mode using Helena in less than 4:15 on default settings or above. Play as Helena more than 75 times.
C7 Get "Rocket" item using Helena in Survival Mode on any setting. Play as Helena more than 150 times.

Jann Lee:
Primary Method Alternate Method
C3 Complete Story Mode using Jann Lee using any setting. N/A
C4 Complete Story Mode using Jann Lee without continuing with default settings or above. Complete Story Mode using Jann Lee Five times on any setting
C5 Earn 1 Million points using Jann Lee without continuing on default settings or above. Play as Jann Lee more than 50 times.
C6 Get "Dragon" Item using Jann Lee in Survival Mode on any setting. Play as Jann Lee more than 100 times.

Primary Method Alternate Method
C3 Complete Story Mode using Kasumi on any setting. N/A
C4 Complete Story Mode using Kasumi without continuing on default settings or above. Complete Story Mode using Kasumi three times on any setting.
C5 Complete Story Mode using Kasumi without continuing on default settings or above. Complete Story Mode using Kasumi five times on any setting.
C6 Earn 2 million points using Kasumi in Survival Mode on default settings or above. Play as Kasumi more than 50 times.
C7 Complete over 50 Stages using Kasumi in Survival Mode on default settings or above. Play as Kasumi more than 100 times.
C8 Get "Cherry" item using Kasumi in Survival mode on any setting. Play as Kasumi more than 200 times.

Lei Fang:
Primary Method Alternate Method
C3 Complete Story Mode using Lei Fang on any setting. N/A
C4 Complete Story Mode using Lei Fang without continuing on default settings or above. Complete story Mode using Lei Fang three times.
C5 Earn 1 Million points using Lei Fang in Survival Mode on default settings or above. Complete Story Mode using Lei Fang five times.
C6 Complete Tag Battle Mode using Lei Fang wearing C5 and Jann Lee wearing C5. Play as Lei Fang More than 50 times.
C7 Complete Time Attack Mode using Lei Fang in less than 4:15 on default settings or above. Play as Lei Fang more than 100 times.
C8 Get "Decoration Cake" item using Lei Fang in Survival Mode on any setting. Play as Lei Fang more than 200 times.

Primary Method Alternate Method
C3 Complete Story Mode using Leon on any setting. N/A
C4 Complete Story Mode using Leon without continuing on default settings or above. Complete story ode using Leon five times on any setting.
C5 Get "Missile" item using Leon in Survival Mode on any setting. Play as Leon more than 50 times.

Ryu Hayabusa:
Primary Method Alternate Method
C3 Complete Story Mode using Ryu on any setting. N/A
C4 Complete Story Mode using Ryu with out continuing on default settings or above. Complete Story Mode using Ryu five times on any setting.
C5 Earn 1 million point using Ryu in Survival Mode on default settings or above. Play as Ryu more than 50 times.
C6 Get "Green Tea" item using Ryu in Survival Mode on any setting. Play as Ryu more than 100 times.

Primary Method Alternate Method
C3 Complete Story Mode using Tina on any setting. N/A
C4 Complete Story Mode using Tina without continuing on default settings or above. Complete Story Mode using Tina five times on any setting.
C5 Earn 1.5 million points using Tina in Survival Mode on default settings or above. Play as Tina more than 30 times.
C6 Complete Time Attack Mode using Tina in less than 4:15 using default settings only. Play as Tina more than 75 times.
C7 Get "Roast Chicken" item using Tina in Survival Mode on any setting. Play as Tina more than 100 times.

Primary Method Alternate Method
C3 Complete Story Mode using Zack on any setting. N/A
C4 Complete Story Mode using Zack without continuing on default settings or above. Complete Story Mode using Zack six times on any setting.
C5 Earn 1 million points using Zack in Survival Mode on default settings or above. Play as Zack more than 50 times.
C6 Get "Parfait" item using Zack in Survival Mode on any setting. Play as Zack more than 100 times

CG Gallery
Complete Team Mode with five different characters to unlock the Gallery

Extra Credits
Complete Story Mode on very hard difficulty setting with all characters

Extra Options
Pause the game, and together press Triangle + X

Increased Jubbling
Enter the options menu, choose the game setting that allows you to set your age between 13 and 99. Increase your name for more jubbling

Play as Bayman
Complete story mode on easy difficulty to unlock Bayman in all modes except story mode.

Play as Tengu
Collect 10 Stars in Survival Mode or play a combination of characters 200 times. Tengu is playable in all modes except Story Mode.

Summon Devil Tengu
Before Battle 6, the fight with Tengu, at the ''WINNER!'' screen of your character, rapidly press the start button on your PS2 controller. You will know if you activated Devil Tengu if you see the ''EVERYTHING!'' message interrupted by an image of a blue demon. Now you will fight ''Devil Tengu'' a different version of the original Tengu. They're the same, but this version looks a lot tougher.

Zooming in on Victory Poses
At the winner screen, Press Triangle+Circle together. At this time the camera will zoom out a little and you know it worked. Now just use the D-pad to rotate, square to zoom in and circle to zoom out.

Surviving survival mode:
Once you have knocked the your opponent down, press Up + Punch + Kick to jump onto them. If done correctly, they will leave bonus points and food.

View: 6458 times
Updated: 2004.02.08

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