Deception 3 : Dark Delusion

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Deception 3 : Dark Delusion
Name of the file: Deception 3 : Dark Delusion - Author: ANO - [PSX]

Hidden Emblem
There are nine emblems in the game. But you only find eight if you don't get the right ending. In Chapter 14, choose NOT to go with Cecilia. Until the end of Chapter 23, choose to return to the past. Then try to beat up Chapter 24 to get Ending No.1. Your rewards will be 50000 Dreaks and the last Emblem.

End bonus:
You will receive a 50,000 Dreak bonus each time the game is completed, plus keep your current traps and Dreak total.

Ending 3:
Answer "No" when Cecilia asks you to come with her and you use the stones to allow the man to live. You will unlock ending 3 and get Barracuda.

Sound Collection
If you finish all the grades in Trap License Mode, you will get a Sound Collection including the cries of your enemies

View: 6049 times
Updated: 2004.02.08

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