Digimon Rumble Arena

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Digimon Rumble Arena
Name of the file: Digimon Rumble Arena - Author: ANO - [PSX]

Alternate Digimon Tamer
To have your digimon tamer in a different outfit, hold L1+L2+R1+R2 while selecting your digimon.
Note: Works only with Agumon,Gabumon,Patamon,Wormmon, and Gatomon

Codes for the English version.
ImperailDramon Palidin Mode-ROYBOY

Codes for the Japanese version.
In case you didn't realise, the English passcodes doesn't work for the Japanese version of DRA. The codes serve as the same purpose as the North American version, to unlock characters.

1.Omnimon--> NAGOMI
2.Gallentmon--> DEGLUK
3.WarGreymon--> ZFTLNM
4.Sakuyamon--> SKYAKA
5.Imperialdramon Fighter Mode--> NOWROM
6.MegaGargomon--> EERRIT
7.Imperialdramon Paladine Mode--> EVOMEN

Select Same Character (English)
To let both players select the same character hold "Select" while choosing your character.

Use Same character (JP)
Beat a game at least 1 time and when choose character in 2 players mode. Press L1+R1 to use same character.

Starting moves:
For best results when fighting Digimon, the following are good starting and backup moves.

Agumon: Use Claw Attack (Triangle) and then when they get up, press Square(3), pause very briefly, then and press Up + Square (a four combo).

Gabumon: Use Blue Blaster (Circle) and back it up with Horn Attack (Triangle). You can use it twice if desired.

Gatomon: Use Lightning Claw (Triangle) or Cat's Eye Hypnotism (Circle), then back it up with your physical attacks (tap Square for better results).

Guilmon: Start with Rock Breaker (Triangle) and after they get up, back it up with physical attacks (Square).

Impmon: Start out with Triangle and use Baddaboom (Circle).

Omnimon: Start out with Transcended Sword (Triangle), followed up by Garuru Cannon (Circle).

Patamon: Use Boom Bubble (Circle), Slam Attack (Triangle), and then physical attacks (tap Square for repetitive physical attacks).

Reapermon: Use Grim Slasher (Triangle) and before the combo runs out, quickly press Circle for Bone Duster.

Renamon: If you are far away from them, press Circle for Diamond Storm, and run behind them so you can attack them for a 20 combo.

Terriermon: Use Terrier Tornado (Triangle), Bunny Blast (Circle), and then physical attacks (tap Square).

Veemon: Start off with Vee Punch (Triangle) and then Vee Headbutt (Circle).

Wormmon: Use Sticky Net (Circle) then Silk Thread (Triangle).

View: 12501 times
Updated: 2004.02.08

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