Dino Stalker

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Dino Stalker
Name of the file: Dino Stalker - Author: ANO - [PSX]

Completion bonuses:
Successfully complete the game under the easy difficulty setting to unlock the special menu and movie mode.

Successfully complete the game under the normal difficulty setting to unlock two player mode. In this mode, one person moves using a Dual Shock 2 controller, while the other shoots with a GunCon2.

Successfully complete the game under the hard difficulty setting to unlock the game art.

Shoot credits:
While the credits are running in the end just shoot them with the guncon2. Useless but fun.

Unlock 'Duo Mode'
Complete 'Normal Mode' to unlock 'Duo Mode' where the first player shoots with the guncon and the second player controls the direction with the dual shock controller. You can unlock this even if you use continues.

View: 6122 times
Updated: 2004.02.08

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