Name of the file: Eternal Eyes - Author: ANO - [PSX] |
Get Elena Finish Eternal Eyes once and Elena joins your party during the next game. A nice little bonus. Hidden introduction: Allow the game to remain at the opening screen when "Press Start" appears. An introduction sequence with background Getting enemies to step in traps: Create the following position, where L is Luke, X are your puppets, E is an enemy which only uses normal attacks, and O is a trap that was set. X LOE X Your enemy will definitely step on it except if you had some other puppets which annoyed him at first. After this, go back a step. Your puppets will all go back a step. Set another trap in front of you. The enemy will happily step on it again. ************************************************************************ Eternal Eyes FAQ Play Station Version 1.0 By Richie Ryan R. Reyes;; ************************************************************************ Hi! Welcome to my FAQ! This is my first FAQ. So if you've got tips in writing FAQ, I would be pleased to be informed. Just send me an e-mail. Thank you! When e-mailing me about this game or this FAQ, be sure to write Eternal Eyes in the Subject line. Eternal Eyes FAQ is Copyright (c) 2000 of Richie Ryan R. Reyes. This FAQ cannot be reproduced without my permission, can be used only for private use. If you want to post this FAQ in your site, ask permission from me by means of e-mail. Eternal Eyes (c) is a Copyright of Sunsoft (c) of America. Enjoy and have fun!!! =^..^= ************************************************************************ Versions: 11/26/00 First Version. ************************************************************************ Note: This FAQ is my Original Work so don't steal any of it for I will not tolerate such acts like stealing. If you already stolen my work, make sure I don't happened to pass by your site or else you'll be sorry for what you have done. Anyone who can find this FAQ at some site that not listed below, be cautious for that FAQ is not authorized and maybe engineered to do some nasty things like viruses or like. Modification of this FAQ without my permission is indeed an act of stealing. You can find this authorized FAQ at Cheat Code Central ********************************************************************************* Contents: I -Main Characters II -Walkthrough III -Weapons, Armor, Accessories, Items and Jewels IV -Mappemon Guide V - Secrets VI - Tips and strategy VII - Credits VIII - Next Update ******************************************************************************** I- Main Characters Luke - main character of the game. You will take his role Elena -Luke's sister, Nicol -One of Luke and Elena's Friends Mouse - One of Luke and Elena's Friend Vorless - Summons the Goddess of Destruction, Luna. Jaress, Garland, Ceris and Lolita- Followers of Vorless Princess Fanna- Daughter of the King of Gross Fairy of Wind, Balzar, King of Gross (Earl Blade), Neil, Rufia and Shillay- Fought the Goddess of Destruction "Luna" and sealed her. ************************************************************ II-Walkthrough Since the game goes through automatically in the next chapter, I think the only Necessary information in every chapter is to know where to go next. I forgot to list down the name of every chapter. No need to e-mail me for I will definitely get them next time. Chapter I- Setting Out Chapter VI- End of the Earth Chapter VII- the Mysterious Round Dance Go to the Hall of Dolls and you'll be informed by Butler that Vorless lead an attack and Ceris is still inside the hall. You will meet up with Ceris and some Mappemons at the End of the hall. Chapter VIII- Dark Clouds After getting the Regalla of Knowledge and revived Elena, You'll see a conversation Of Vorless' troops. Lolita suggests Vorless of a plan to sacrifice a human body for the Goddess of Destruction. Later, Lolita attacks the castle and kidnapped the Princess. Before she escapes, she leaves info. That later Nicol and Mouse will tell you. Luke and his Friends suggest heading Goondocks And take a ship there to reach Villee. But when you reach Goondocks, all ships are wrecked by Vorless Upon knowing that Luke is heading through Villee. Fortunately, an old abandoned ship in Underground Basement can take Luke to the Villee. (The ship only works for Eternal Eyes tribe) At Villee, after you reach 9th floor, you'll encounter Jaress, Garland and Lolita. Their levels vary on the status of your party so are their stats. After beating them, and reaching 10th floor, Luke will encounter a Mappemon (Demon) and recognized the Demon's voice as Ceris. You'll have more difficulties in killing the Mappemons in this level for the Demon (Ceris) will heal a nearby Mappemon in her range. After you have beaten Ceris, she will return in her old form. Ceris told you to chase Vorless if You want to find out if Luna is resurrected. At 11th floor, Vorless and 4 mappemons will wait for you and waiting for you to destroy. After beating Vorless, he will run away. Chapter IX- Chapter X - The Beginning of the End Vorless was to escape but a voice called out to him addressing him as evil hearted. Two Magical puppets will appear and transform into human. It was Neil and Rufia, Luke and Elena's Parents. Suddenly, Luke will arrive and defeat Vorless. Before he dies, he told everything that happened to him and the reason why he want to resurrect Luna. Then, Luna awakes and you'll encounter her at the Top Floor. Luna herself is not that much of a treat, although she has 999 HP and 999 MP max. She has weak attacks but has all strong magic spells. You are not allowed to see her status but you can see the distance where she might able to move. The monsters at her side are two demons (just like Ceris) and two Chymera (Maybe evolved from Griffin). After beating Luna, Luke and his family will have a lot of Conversations. Their parents are just Magical puppets and just returned to their original form by the help of Shillay' magic. They are relived of their duty and maybe gone to heaven because has been defeated. Princess Fanna, Nicol and Mouse are waiting for Luke and Elena. They all planned to go home but Luke is worried about his parents. Elena returned to pick up his brother and cheered him up. Luke is happy to return in their home with his friends. Congratulations! You have finished Eternal Eyes =^..^= After the credits, don't forget to save the game. You'll start all over again starting in Chapter 0 and you'll get a chance to get all of the Mappemons and some added secret bonus. (See the Secret Sections). ********************************************************** III- Weapons, armors, Accessories, Items, Jewels There are many items in Eternal Eyes that you can use or equip. I listed them in here. No need to e-mail me about some items for I'm sure that I will get them definitely. I just forgot to list all of them but maybe I will fix this next update. Weapons - Swords Wooden Sword Black Sword Flame Sword7 Froze Sword Mythril Sword Lance Flame Lance Dragon Lance Spear Bow Mythril Bow Armors- Tunic Chainmail Earthmail Mail of Darkness Mythril Mail Accessories- Cat's Claw Wolf 's Claw Beret Bandana Perfume Silver Bracelet Gold Bracelet Bear Suit Ice Horn Sash of Strength Moon Pendant Fairy's Bracelet Hat Black Belt Items- Riceball PowerBall Clover IV- Mappemon Guide The main attraction of the game (sort of) "Mappemon"(maybe a bit like of Pokemon or Pokhmon like. =^..^=). You may obtain a Mappemon from Dolls. Each Jewel makes a unique Mappemon. I listed the jewels below and the Mappemon you could obtain from them. 2nd Evulotion stage and the next to it are very annoying because a Mappemon has a very big tree of evolution that depends upon the jewels (Hello! Baboon). Their spells can be inherited from a Mappemon it Evolved from and learned through the use of the jewels. If a Mappemon dies, his magic will disappear and equipped items will be returned in your inventory. Fortunately, its level doesn't. Don't waste your jewels for setting some traps or throwing them to enemy Mappemons. If you like to increase the status of your Mappemon, then go ahead but I don't like to waste such a jewel for their status increase each level up. Evolution (Dolls to Mappemon Level 1) Jewels Red- Holy -Cardian Beast -Elekin Wisdom -Pumpkin Head Power -Powan Green- Holy -Holy Baby Beast -Jackal Wisdom -Pipo Power -Evil Cat Light Blue Holy -River Hood Beast -Flipper Wisdom -Calab Power -Screw Yellow Holy -Planter Beast -Mantee Wisdom -Justin Power -Dolos Pink Holy -Moscue Beast -Kemu-Kemu Wisdom -Chuff Power -Hals White Holy -Phew Beast -Sleeper Wisdom -Tsuitock Power -Heyup Mappemon Level 2 (evolves at level 3 or above) Legend: R = red -h = power G = green -b = beast LB = light blue -w = wisdom Y = yellow -p = power P = pink W = white Mappemon 2nd Evolution Jewel Cardian R-h R-b R-w R-p G-h G-b G-w G-p LB-h LB-b LB-w LB-p Y-h Y-b Y-w Y-p P-h P-b P-w P-p W-h W-b W-w W-p Elekin R-h R-b R-w R-p Pumpkin Head R-h R-b R-w R-p Powan R-h R-b R-w R-p Calab River Haze R-p Mantee Powan R-p Powan Head R-p Cardian Chalizadon R-p Mantee Moh P-p Justin Dogu 1 W (all) Flipper Rayray G-b Mooscue Moosmoos P (all) Evil Cat Evil Cougar G-w Dolos Pixie Chuff Otogi Sleeper Good Sleep R-p Bone Rock P Heyup Death Bat LB-p Mappemon Level 3 (evolves at level 8 or above) (I haven't make up with this yet) V- Secrets 1. After you have finished the game. Save it and you'll need to start all over again using the saved data (load the saved game). When you start your game, all of the Items, Mappemons, Jewels and your level will remain as it is when you finished the game. 2. After you have continued a finished game, check out the room where you evolve your Mappemon. You'll see a camera over a table next to the evolution cabinet. To use it, press X to it and you'll see some character's Pictures. 3. After you have continued a finished game, check out the room where you evolve your Mappemon. You'll notice that the description of the place is written in Japanese with the mixtures of Katakana and Kanji Characters. It also means the same info. Like it is written before in English it is just written in Japanese. VI- Tips and Strategy When you first given a chance to look around the terrain of the map, be sure to know exact location of each enemy Mappemon, their range and their abilities. By experience in the game, majorities of slow moving monsters are just plain brawn. After having a glimpse with the terrain, make sure to know which direction to attack. Your group should attack a Mappemon that is far separated from others. By that way you can obtain the treasure that they hold for it is known that some Mappemons will attack the treasure making it ruined. Give your Mappemon a magic that can hit enemies' in-groups. For quick level up, just bring a Low-leveled Mappemon to a battle against High-Leveled Mappemons. Low -leveled mappemon can either attack or use magic. Attacking makes more experience points than magic. But magic (depends on your mappemon's range of attack) can hit enemies in a range and in a sure shot. Attacking a Enemy Mappemon is Risky on Short ranged Mappemon but there is also a BIG possibility that it will level-up in that attack and it's Hp-Mp will be filled to max. Just make sure that your enemy can't kill it in a blow or turn. When attacking an enemy, check out the level of the ground. Anyone in a higher level of the ground gives more damages from attacks and anyone who attacks from below gives lesser damage. VII - Credits Since I don't have any friends, no one helped me making this FAQ but I will put up names who will make a contribution for my work. Just be sure that the information is correct. I will not put anybody's name who will submit a secret/code that I have proven a lie. VIII- Contact me =^..^= My e-mail is for Comments and Suggestion. In the future, I think I'll add Some of things listed below: 1. Complete Mappemon Guide (I need time to complete it) 2. Complete Item List (the same mentioned above) 3. Frequently asked Question (send me some questions) 4. Mappemon Spell Guide (Takes time too) 5. Maybe some Secret stuffs [so help me God (if there is...)=^..^=] I will put anyone's name who will make good addition in this FAQ. Combination of Mappemons is indeed a VERY GOOD addition. I will update my FAQ if I feel like it and if I find out lots of things that I can add here. When sending me some question, be sure to read this FAQ first and If the information listed above doesn't satisfy you, then you're welcome to ask me. Note: For those e-mail that I haven't replied yet, just be patient. If you've sent me an e-mail, wait for my reply then send me again another e-mail and put up your question there. I cannot reply everyday because I also need some time to study my lessons (I'm still a College Student) so I think I'll do it every Friday (Pacific Time, I'm living in Philippines). |
View: 8319 times |
Updated: 2004.02.08 |
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