Evil Zone

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Evil Zone
Name of the file: Evil Zone - Author: ANO - [PSX]

Character biographies and gallery mode in extra options:
Successfully complete the game under story mode.

Narrator mode in extra options:
Successfully complete the game under one player mode.

Congratulations mode in extra options:
Successfully complete all game modes using all characters. Use the "Congratulations" selection in the extra options to view a special FMV sequence.

Bonus stage and fight as Bosses:
Successfully complete story mode with at least three different characters.

Alternate costumes:
Successfully complete the game as any character to unlock their alternate costumes in versus mode or single player battle mode.

Fight as Ihadurca:
Successfully complete story mode as Setsuna.

Fight as Boss and bonus stage:
Successfully complete story mode with three different fighters.

Extra winning poses:
New winning poses are unlocked for each character defeated in story mode.

Super attack:
Press Back, Back, Triangle to do a super attack.

View: 6751 times
Updated: 2004.02.08

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