Aqua Aqua

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Aqua Aqua
Name of the file: Aqua Aqua - Author: ANO - [PSX]

Story puzzle and vs. puzzle modes
Successfully complete all lessons in training mode to unlock story puzzle and vs. puzzle modes.

Mesozoic Era
Successfully complete the Paleozoic Era to unlock the Mesozoic Era in story puzzle mode.

Cenozoic Era
Successfully complete the Mesozoic Era to unlock the Cenozoic Era in story puzzle mode.

Ancient Civilization
Successfully complete the Cenozoic Era to unlock the Ancient Civilization in story puzzle mode.

Super Speed
At the main menu screen hold the X button for twenty (20) seconds then press start.

Unlock puzzle mode
To unlock puzzle mode simply complete all of the lessons in training mode.

Keeping Water:
First of all build small lakes or rain will fall and come off the edges if you try to build right around the land straight away.

Get special stuff:
Evapourate water from different parts of the land so you get special stuff by completing the bingo card in the middle.

Hidden Future:
Earn a "Master" rank in all four stages to unlock the Hidden Future in story puzzle mode.

Game Shark Codes
Master Code (Must Be On) EC88F934 1456E60A
Always Shielded 4CB789F8 1456E7A6

View: 4723 times
Updated: 2004.01.20

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