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Name of the file: Glover - Author: ANO - [PSX]

Enable cheats:
Press Start to pause game play, then press R1(3), L1(2), L2, L1, L2. A message will confirm correct code entry.

Unlimited health:
Press Start to pause game play, then press L2(2), R2, L2(3), R1, L1. A message will confirm correct code entry.

Call ball:
Press Start to pause game play, then press R1, L1(2), R1, L2, L1, R2, R1. A message will confirm correct code entry.

Disable active cheats:
Press Start to pause game play, then press L2(8). A message will confirm correct code entry.

Unlimited lives:
Press Start to pause game play, then press R1(5), L2, R2, L2. A message will confirm correct code entry.

Checkpoint select:
Press Start to pause game play, then press R2(2), L2, L1, R1(2), R2, L1. A message will confirm correct code entry.

Final level:
Load and resume a saved game. Press Start to pause game play, then press X, Circle, X(2), Triangle, Square, X. A message will confirm correct code entry.

Hint: Extra lives:
Go to a level, such as Carnival Realm 3, where there are several extra lives that can be collected quickly and easily. Get the lives, press Start, and return the castle. You will land outside the Realm Building and have all of the lives you collected. Go back to the level, collect the lives again, and repeat as needed.

View: 7023 times
Updated: 2004.02.09

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