Herdy Gerdy

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Herdy Gerdy
Name of the file: Herdy Gerdy - Author: ANO - [PSX]

Debug Menu

On the main title screen, press: L1, L2, L1, L2, D, R2, R1, R2, R1, U, SELECT. The screen will fade and reappear. Press START and several debug options will be added to the menu. Not all are functional on a standard unit, but those that are functional include:

Play Level: enables you to select any level to play
Open Secrets: Unlocks secrets one through 18 (cool)
Movie Viewer: enables you to watch any cut-scenes
Load All Levels: load a level, play for ten seconds, load the next.

Cheat mode:
Press L2, L1, L2, L1, Up, R1, R2, R1, R2, Down, Select at the title screen, . The screen will fade out and return to confirm correct code entry. Press Start and new options will be unlocked at the main menu.

Unlock Character Concept Art
Collect 100 Bells in the Level ''Moonlit Peaks''. Take the Cowbell to the cow herder in Meadow Village and he will unlock SECRET 5 in the Extras menu. This is six concept sketches of various characters in the game

Unlock Gerdy Concept Sketches
Collect 100 Bells in the Level ''Gerdy's Hut''. take the Cowbell to the cow herder in Meadow Village and he will unlock SECRET 1 in the Extras menu. This is six concept sketches of Gerdy.

Unlock Unused Gerdy Animations
Collect 100 Bells in the Level ''Elven Wood''. Take the Cowbell to the cow herder in Meadow Village and he will unlock SECRET 12 in the Extras menu. This is six wireframe animations of Gerdy and explanations of why they were not used.

View: 5676 times
Updated: 2004.02.10

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