Hogs of War

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Hogs of War
Name of the file: Hogs of War - Author: ANO - [PSX]

Level Select:
Use MARDY PIGS as your team's name.

Bonus FMV sequence:
Use "WATTA PORK" as your team's name.

View FMV sequences:
Use "PRYING PIGS" as your team's name.

Promote Pigs:
Use "NAUGHTY PIGS" as your team's name.

Hog Tactics:
Heavy Weapons
Use flamethrower on pigs sitting on the edge of the water to burn them in water. This does 30 + 6 for each time they get pushed back in the water.

Place down a mine or anti-personel mine and use the super shotgun. Target the mine for extra damage.

Use the sniper rifle from far distances and from round corners out of sight. It is possible. You just need to practice this.

When your pal get poisoned, cure him. When you get poisoned shoot a medicine dart or a medicine ball upwards and detonate it. It will get 40 hp back.

On later levels commandos are superb for getting PPs on ledges, with the jet-pack.

Use special ops, when in trouble to get to saftey. Then use self-heal

Get Near-Best Pigs From Start
Go to the start single-player game mode, and use the WATTA PORK name. Then watch the movies when you start the training mission and then exit and go to multiplayer (doesn't matter who plays) and go to the level called PLAY PEN and have all the teams have nothing but paratroops, and start.

View: 10674 times
Updated: 2004.02.10

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