Armored Core : Master of Arena

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Armored Core : Master of Arena
Name of the file: Armored Core : Master of Arena - Author: ANO - [PSX]

First person view:
Hold Triangle + Square + Start. Release all buttons, then press Start again.

Fixed camera view:
Press Circle + X + Start during game play. The game will pause. Press Start to resume game play with the camera fixed at the pre-location. Note press Circle + X + Select in the Japanese version of the game.

Return to default view:
To return to the default view, press Start to pause game play, then press Start to resume. Substitute Select instead of Start for the Japanese version of the game.

Alternate emblem backgrounds:
Create an emblem in the "Edit Emblem" screen. Then, hold L1 + R1 + Select.

Continue from Armored Core: Project Phantasma:
Insert a memory card with a saved game from Armored Core: Project Phantasma and the file should appear yellow at the loading screen. Load that file to start with the same parts and money that you were obtained in that game.

Have Continue with Plus/Reble:
Note: The first Armored Core game is required for this trick. On Armored Core, intentionally die with less than -50,000 credits. The game will restart from the first level with all items gained in the previous game. Your pilot name will change to "Rebel" followed by three random numbers to confirm correct code entry. The first time this is done, the radar will become a grid system and will detect incoming missiles. The fourth time this is done, the rear weapon may be fired while in motion. The sixth time that this is done, available energy will be doubled. Additionally, a ball may be fired from the laserblade by firing the blade, then pressing Jump. Then, continue from Armored Core to Armored Core: Master Of Arena by doing the following. Insert a memory card with the Plus or Rebel saved game from Armored Core and the file should appear yellow at the loading screen. Load that file to start with the same parts and money that you have obtained in that game.

You have to load a save from the first game to start with the Plus enhancements you had in Armored Core. It is not known if you can get the Plus enhancements by loading a save in Armored Core: Master of Arena that does not have any of the Plus enhancements.

Extra Ex Arenas:
In the Ex Arena selection screen, you will see four sets of question marks if you go down. These will be unlocked after you complete a certain requirement.

FROMSOFTWARE is unlocked after you complete all leg-specific arenas. It features a series of ACs made by From Software employees.
Guest and Champion are unlocked after you complete all of the missions (do not forget to save when prompted). Guest is an arena that contains Japanese magazine publisher's AC creations. Champion is a series of ACs made by finalists from a Armored Core: Project Phantasma Tourney held in Japan last year.
Master is an arena that has extremely dangerous ACs. It is unlocked when you get 100% in the overall under System.
Please note that these ACs are not easy to defeat. They will always have an advantage over your AC regardless of how well armed, armored, or fast you are.

Sword Wave:
Note: Plus or Reble is required for this trick. Have a lightsword equipped, then press X, Circle while the sword is still out. If done correctly, this will fire a very powerful crescent beam that can do over 2800 AP worth of damage with the Moonlight.

To unlock the FROMSOFT Ex-Arena, successfully clear all four of the regular, leg-specific Ex-Arenas. The FROMSOFT Ex-Arena contains AC designs created by the FROMSOFT developing team.

Radar in two player mode:
Player one's radar does not detect the enemy; it just stands in the middle of it.

View: 5629 times
Updated: 2004.01.20

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