Jak 2 : Renegade

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Jak 2 : Renegade
Name of the file: Jak 2 : Renegade - Author: ANO - [PSX]

Reverse Races
To get this you must collect 135 orbs during game play.

Level Select
To get this you must collect 145 orbs during game play.

Unlimited Ammo
To get this you must collect 155 orbs during game play.

Get Vulcan Fury
After suttle underground fighters go talk to Torn and he will say here a vulcan barrel for that pee shooter of yours which is blaster weapon.

How to Get Special Technique Dark Bomb
After you collected 25 metal head skull gems go to the oracle and this icon guide you there

Collect the following number of Orbs to unlock the cheat indicated in the Secrets Menu

Toggle Jak's Goatee cheat: To get this you must collect 5 orbs during game play.

Mirror World cheat: To get this you must collect 15 orbs during game play.

Big head mode
To get this you must collect 30 orbs during game play.

Small Head Mode
To get this you must collect 45 orbs during game play.

Scrap Book
To get this you must collect 55 orbs during game play.

Scene Player Act 1 cheat: To get this you must collect 65 orbs during game play.

Vulcan Fury Course cheat: To get this you must collect 75 orbs during game play.

Scene Player Act 2 cheat: To get this you must collect 95 orbs during game play.

Peace Maker Gun Course cheat: To get this you must collect 105 orbs during game play.

Scene Player Act 3 cheat: To get this you must collect 125 orbs during game play.

Unlimited Dark Jak cheat: To get this you must collect 165 orbs during game play.

Invulnerability cheat: To get this you must collect 175 orbs during game play.

Hero Mode cheat: To get this you must collect 200 orbs during game play. When this cheat is activated, start a new game to begin with all four morph guns attachments and an alternate secrets list.

Alternate scrap book: To get this you must collect 200 orbs in Hero Mode

Gun Locations
Morph Gun: Scatter Gun. You get this on the mission for Krew where you go with his bodyguard to take out metal heads. You have to complete the shooting range first though.
It is just like a shotgun. Wide range, close combat etc.

Morph Gun: Blaster. Again given to you by Krew. This is a long distance, single shot rifle, with decent firepower and laser sighting. You get another shooting range with this.

Morph Gun: Vulcan Cannon. Yeah Baby!! This hell of a upgrade can take down a wave of Krimson Guard before you can say, "Praxis is a " Hold down R1 to turn this baby into a Gattling Gun. Watch your ammunition supply though!

Morph Gun: Peacemaker. I Haven't got this mutha but it does more damage than crashing a Hellcat Cruiser(These go down really easily!)
I'm going to keep searching though.
Praxis battle: This is the one on the palace rooftops. Its not hard but its not easy either.

First get your blaster and take any available shots, without getting hit. When Praxis recharges get out the scatter gun and jump+shoot. Repeat until yellow health. Then Praxis fires bombs. Shoot a t him with blaster while dodging. When on red health, avoid tornados and keep shooting. when he charges at you roll then shoot. It'll be over before you know it!

Complete securi-tank mission easy
I spent about an hour trying to beat this mission and I came out with a pretty good strategy. In the first room it trys to shoot you so move left and right alot. Then when it breaks the wall start doing LONG JUMPS. When you roll press the jump button and you'll go far, fast. This method will get the tank off your back. Then use the bar to swing into the third room. use the platforms to destroy the things in the middle then move on to the next room. It is pretty easy there on. and in the end just let the tank destroy the barrels.

View: 7187 times
Updated: 2004.02.10

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