James Bond 007 : Agent Under Fire

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James Bond 007 : Agent Under Fire
Name of the file: James Bond 007 : Agent Under Fire - Author: ANO - [PSX]

Gold and Platinum Medal Cheats
The Gold and Platinum Points and Rewards.
Format is: Medal - Points Needed to Get: Reward for Medal

Level 1: Trouble In Paradise
Gold - 50,000: Golden Gun
Platinum - 50,000 + 007 Icons: MP Map - Rocket Manor

Level 2: Precious Cargo
Gold - 50,000: Golden CH-6
Platinum - 50,000 + 007 icons: MP Game Mode - Golden Gun

Level 3: Dangerous Pursuit
Gold - 70,000: Unlimited Missiles
Platinum - 70,000 + 007 Icons: MP Model - Stealth Bond

Level 4: Bad Diplomacy
Gold - 70,000: Golden Accuracy
Platinum - 70,000 + 007 Icons: MP Powerup - Gravity Boots

Level 5: Cold Reception
Gold - 90,000: Golden Clip
Platinum - 90,000 + 007 Icons: MP Model - Guard

Level 6: Night Of The Jackal
Gold - 90,000: Gold Grenades
Platinum - 90,000 + 007 Icons: MP Weapon - Viper

Level 7: Streets Of Bucharest
Gold - 100,000: Lotus Esprit
Platinum - 100,000 + 007 Icons: MP Model - Alpine Guard

Level 8: Fire & Water
Gold - 100,000: Rapid Fire
Platinum - 100,000 + 007 Icons: MP Weapon - Calypso

Level 9: Forbidden Depths
Gold - 110,000: Golden Armor
Platinum - 110,000 + 007 Icons: MP Modifier - Full Arsenal

Level 10: Poseidon
Gold - 120,000: Golden Bullets
Platinum - 120,000 + 007 Icons: MP Model - Cyclops Oil Guard

Level 11: Mediterranean Crisis
Gold - 130,000: Regenerative Armor
Platinum - 130,000 + 007 Icons: MP Model - Poseidon Guard

Level 12: Evil Summit
Gold - 130,000 Unlimited Ammo
Platinum - 130,000 + 007 Icons: MP Model - Carrier Guard

Unlimited health:
Hold L1 + R2 and press Up, Down, Circle(2), Down(3), Left, Circle at the main menu. Begin the game, and once in a level, press Start. Then, hold Down + L2 + R1 and press Circle(2), R2, Circle, L1, Square(2), Circle. If done correctly, you will unlimited health in all levels.

Unlimited rocket launchers:
Hold L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 and press Up, Down, Left, Right, Circle(2), Square at the main menu. Begin the game, and once in a level, press Start. Then, press Circle, Square, R1, Square, Up, Circle, Down, Left. If done correctly, you will have unlimited rocket launchers in all levels.

To get Gold Bond, shoot a man and keep shooting in the same spot until your ammunition runs out. Then, shoot his gun once with your PP7 and pick it up. You will see Q and Monnypenny walking around. Shoot them to get Gold Bond.

Golden gun:
Successfully complete the Trouble In Paradise level with a "Gold" rank.

Golden gun in multi-player mode:
Successfully complete the Precious Cargo level with a "Platinum" rank and all 007 icons.

Golden CH-6:
Successfully complete the Precious Cargo level with a "Gold" rank.

Golden accuracy power-up:
Successfully complete the Bad Diplomacy level with a "Gold" rank.

Golden clip power-up:
Successfully complete the Cold Reception level with a "Gold" rank.

Golden grenade power-up:
Successfully complete the Night Of The Jackal level with a "Gold" rank.

Golden bullet power-up:
Successfully complete the Poseidon level with a "Gold" rank.

Golden armor power-up:
Successfully complete the Forbidden Depths level with a "Gold" rank.

Unlimited Golden gun ammunition:
Successfully complete the Evil Summit level with a "Gold" rank.

Unlimited car missiles:
Successfully complete the Dangerous Pursuit level with a "Gold" rank.

Rocket Manor multi-player level:
Successfully complete the Trouble In Paradise level with a "Platinum" rank and all 007 icons.

Stealth Bond skin in multi-player mode:
Successfully complete the Dangerous Pursuit level with a "Platinum" rank and all 007 icons.

Guard skin in multi-player mode:
Successfully complete the Cold Reception level with a "Platinum" rank and all 007 icons.

Alpine guard skin in multi-player mode:
Successfully complete the Streets Of Bucharest level with a "Platinum" rank and all 007 icons.

Cyclops Oil guard skin in multi-player mode:
Successfully complete the Poseidon level with a "Platinum" rank and all 007 icons.

Poseidon guard skin in multi-player mode:
Successfully complete the Mediterranean Crisis level with a "Platinum" rank and all 007 icons.

Carrier guard multi-player skin:
Successfully complete the Evil Summit level with a "Platinum" rank and all 007 icons.

Rapid fire power-up:
Successfully complete the Fire And Water level with a "Gold" rank.

Regenerative armor power-up:
Successfully complete the Mediterranean Crisis level with a "Gold" rank.

Calypso gun in multi-player mode:
Successfully complete the Fire And Water level with a "Platinum" rank and all 007 icons.

Full arsenal in multi-player mode:
Successfully complete the Forbidden Depths level with a "Platinum" rank and all 007 icons.

Gravity boots in multi-player mode:
Successfully complete the Bad Diplomacy level with a "Platinum" rank and all 007 icons.

Viper gun in multi-player mode:
Successfully complete the Night Of The Jackal level with a "Platinum" rank and all 007 icons.

Lotus Esprit car:
Successfully complete the Streets Of Bucharest level with a "Gold" rank.

Streets Of Bucharest level: Destroying tanks:
You will encounter two tanks at the end of the level. Fire your missiles at the train that passes over head. Aim for the red tanker car, and it will explode and also destroy the tanks.

Poseidon level: Alternate intermission sequence:
In the room that has the switch for the Auto-Guns, punch out the guard to get a card key. It will be on the end of the table on the right, facing the main room. Then, complete the level. The intermission sequence will show Bond having some fun with Zoe instead of getting knocked out with the gas . You will also start at a different point in the Mediterranean Crisis Level.

Unlock Multiplayer Character Skins
''Stealth Bond'': Complete the ''Dangerous Pursuit'' level and get a ''Platinum'' rank and all 007 icons.

''Guard skin'': Complete the ''Cold Reception level'' and get a ''Platinum'' rank and all 007 icons.

''Alpine guard skin'': Complete the ''Streets Of Bucharest'' level and get a ''Platinum'' rank and all 007 icons.

''Cyclops Oil guard skin'': Complete the ''Poseidon'' level and get a ''Platinum'' rank and all 007 icons.

''Poseidon guard skin'': Complete the ''Mediterranean Crisis'' level and get a ''Platinum'' rank and all 007 icons.

''Carrier guard'': Complete the ''Evil Summit'' level and get a ''Platinum'' rank and all 007 icons.

View: 6246 times
Updated: 2004.02.10

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