Jojo's Bizarre Adventure

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Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
Name of the file: Jojo's Bizarre Adventure - Author: ANO - [PSX]

Young Joseph:
Highlight the following characters in order at the character selection screen, pressing Start on each one: Jotaro, Poinareff, Joseph, Kakyoin, Iggi, Avdol. Finally, highlight Joseph and hold Start.

Ability point bonuses:
Collected the indicated amount of Ability Points to unlock the corresponding bonus.

Tower of Gray CPU Battle: Collect over 250 Ability Points.
Strength Mini-Game (shooting game): Collect over 300 Ability Points.
Play as Robber Soul: Collect over 350 Ability Points.
Fortune Telling: Collect over 400 Ability Points.
Close up graphics gallery: Collect over 450 Ability Points.
Arcade Design Art: Collect over 500 Ability Points.
Justice Mini-game: Collect over 550 Ability Points.
Lovers mini-game: Collect over 600 Ability Points.
The Sun mini-game: Collect over 650 Ability Points.
Death 13 CPU Battle: Collect over 700 Ability Points.
Judgement mini-game: Collect over 750 Ability Points.
Backround design gallery: Collect over 800 Ability Points.
N' Dool Adventure Game: Collect over 850 Ability Points.
Sound/Voice Test: Collect Over 900 Ability Points.
Character Design Gallery: Collect over 950 Ability Points.
Play As Kan: Collect over 1000 Ability Points.
Music Scores/Test Gallery: Collect over 1050 Ability Points.
Secret File Fan Book: Collect Over 1100 Ability Points.
J D'Arby Cat game: Collect over 1150 Ability Points.
J D'Arby Coin Game: Collect over 1200 Ability Points.
J D'Arby Poker Game: Collect Over 1250 Ability Points.
Play as Hol Horse and Voing: Collect over 1300 Ability Points.
Pet Shop CPU Battle: Collect over 1350 Ability Points.
Tenor Sax mini-game: Collect over 1400 Ability Points.
Play as New Kakyoin: Collect over 1450 Ability Points.
Rare Items: Collect over 1800 Ability Points.

View: 6329 times
Updated: 2004.02.10

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