Army Men: Sarge's Heroes 2

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Army Men: Sarge's Heroes 2
Name of the file: Army Men: Sarge's Heroes 2 - Author: ANO - [PSX]

Pause the game, press Square, Circle, L1, R1.

All weapons:
Pause the game, press Square, Circle, R1, L1.

All Levels:
At the main menu, press and hold Square + L1 + R1 and then press Up, Down, Left, Right.

Infinite Heath:
At the main menu, press and hold R1 and L1 and then press Square, Triangle, Right, Left, Cirlce, Square, Square, Right.

Level passwords:
02 Bridge FLLNGDWN
03 Fridge GTMLK
04 Freezer CHLLBB
05 Inside Wall CLSNGN
06 Graveyard DGTHS
07 Castle FRNKNSTN
08 Tan Base BDBZ
09 Revenge LBBCK
10 Desk DSKJB
11 Bed GTSLP
12 Blue Town SMLLVLL
13 Cashier CHRGT
14 Train NTBRT
15 Rockets RDGLR
16 Pool Table FSTNLS
17 Pinball Table WHSWZRD

View: 4246 times
Updated: 2004.01.20

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