Lord of The Rings : The Return of The King

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Lord of The Rings : The Return of The King
Name of the file: Lord of The Rings : The Return of The King - Author: ANO - [PSX]

Secret Codes
Once you've completed the game for the first time,you'll unlocked the secret codes list.

1)Start a mission
2)Press START to pause the game
3)Press and hold L1+R1+L2+R2
4)Enter the code below

Perfect Mode - Circle,Up,Triangle,Down
All Upgrades - Down,Up,Triangle,Square
Invulnerable - Square,Circle,Square,Down
Restore Health - Square,Square,Circle,Circle
Infinite Missiles - Square,Square,Up,Circle
Always Devastating - Triangle,Down,Triangle,Up
Targeting Indicator Mode - Up,Circle,Down,Square

1000 Experience Points
Pause the game and hold all four shoulder buttons and then enter one of the following codes, depending on which character you are playing as. Can be used as many times as you want.

Up, Square, Triangle, X 1000 - Experience for Aragorn
Up, Triangle, Up, Down 1000 - Experience for Frodo
Circle, Triangle, Up, Down 1000 - Experience for Gandalf
Circle, Circle Triangle, X 1000 - Experience for Gimli
X, Triangle, Up, X 1000 - Experience for Legolas
Triangle, X,, Down, X 1000 - Experience for Sam

View: 5075 times
Updated: 2004.02.11

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