Madden NFL 2001

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Madden NFL 2001
Name of the file: Madden NFL 2001 - Author: ANO - [PSX]

Instant Super Bowl Berth:
Highlight the Playoff screen. Select your team, but do not hit the X button to select them. You must press R1 and X simultainously in order for the code to work and a cheat buzzer to sound off. Instead of waiting for the buzzer to end, you must press R2 and Triangle simultainiously. You will now be transported to the selection screen where you select the teams/players/stadium involved in the Superbowl.

Unlock Entire Set of Madden Cards:
Right before you buy a new packet of cards, press and hold L1, L2, R1 and R2. Then buy the pack of cards. Reset your PlayStation while still holding these buttons, and when you return to the card viewing screen, you will have recieved almost 500 cards including the cheats cards!

Touchdown Celebrations:
To perform different Touchdown Celebrations just press one of the following button combinations immediately following a touchdown.

Hip Thrust:
Hold L1 + Square

Jump Spike:
Hold L1 + Circle

Say A Prayer:
Hold L1 + Triangle

Spike The Football:
Hold L1 + X

Shoulder Shake:
Hold L1 + R1

Slam Dunk:
Hold L1 + R2

Easy Onside kicks:
After you score either a field goal or a touchdown, choose the "onside kick" play, while making absolutely sure that you are kicking it to the left. After that, a red arrow will appear. Adjust that arrow so it is lined up to the far left. Kick the ball at around half power, making sure that the ball travels at least 10 yards so there isn't a flag, and the other team should be confused enough for your special teams to pick up the ball and run for a touchdown!

Get the ball first:
First, select Exhibition , Season or Franchise modes under the main screen. Then you must press Start at least 10 seconds before the coin toss begins. Now your team will start off with the ball.

Unlimited Creation Points:
Go to the main menu, after that, highlight the Rosters option. Select edit player. Scroll down the list and choose the football team/player you want to edit. Then, press the right button to highlight the "Player speed" category, after highlighting that, press x. Now you are able to maximize all his stats without losing credits!

Bonus team:
At the team selection Screen, Press circle once for the 1960-2000 Superbowl teams to be available. Press circle twice and you should now be able to select the 1975-2000 All-star teams.

Pin your opponent within the 10 yard line on the kickoff:
It seems that on the kickoff if you aim for the corner endzone marker, and if the ball goes out of bounds on the fly within the 10 yard line, instead of an illegal procedure, the computer gets the ball where it went out of bounds, as if you had punted the ball.

Dance to the endzone:
Press Triangle when on a breakaway for a touchdown to have your player dance to the endzone.

Pump up the crowd:
Press R2 when you are the home team playing on defense and the player selection icon is on a linebacker or defensive back. The player will raise his hands up and the crowd's noise level will increase.

Franchise mode trades:
In franchise mode, trade for Kyle Brady TE for Jacksonville Jaguars. Brady will trade to or for just about anybody including draft picks. Make sure to include someone to trade for when getting Brady back. The best trade for Brady is Seattle OLB Chad Brown, CB Shawn Springs, and to the Vikings for RB Rod Smith, OG R. Mcdaniel. Also try trading Brady to Dallas for OG Larry Allen, SS Darren Woodsen. Remember Brady is expensive.

Build a good team:
IF you goto franchise mode and use 3 users. You can steal their 1st round picks every year until they get fired. You can also take all their good players. And in a few seasons you will have a superbowl team.

Free up salary cap:
I found the best way to free up salary cap, is to sign good players in their late 20's to early 30's. Take a player like Jerry Rice, release the player, and then resign him for less. Release the player again, and he will sign for less each time. This option works best with players in their late 20's with high price tags. If you have patience... you could have Barry Sanders signed for seven years at one million per yer. Talk about cap room!

Trade trick:
Sign full back T.Lester from the free agent list in the first year of franchise play. Then trade him to just about any team. He brings in great trades.
Example; trade FB T.Lester to the Colts for RB E.James, LT T.Glenn, 1st round draft. Expirement with him.

Cheat codes:
Put in these codes at the cheat menu:

5 yard first downs popwarner
20 yard first downs firstis20
100 yard passes pigskinsfly
super stiff arm smackdown
super jump sprong
more injuries painful
no interceptions expressball
receivers catch better magnasave
less sacks qbintheclub
less penalties refisblind
quick fatigue finaltime
harder to tackle players teflon
different scoring rules drbenway
100 yard field goals bigfoot
fast passes fastforward
super speed burst no2
electric sidelines staticcling
floating heads talkingwhat
big versus small players minime
more defensive scoring fraplpro
more fumbles rollergirl
more interceptions pickedoff
camera follows football vertigo
curved space and time moebius
4th and incas stadium quetzlcoatl
gridiron stadium klaatu
maddenstein stadium countmadden
nile hi stadium denile
salvagefield stadium tetanushot
tiberium stadium feedthelions
tiburon stadium weputitthere
tiburon bros. stadium cottoncandy
alpha blitz stadium pancakes
antarctica stadium xmasgift
cosmodome stadium spaceball
dodge city stadium wildwest
ea sports stadium itsinthegame
1972 steelers team dontgofor2
1972 raiders team getmeadoctor
1976 raiders team gammalight
1976 patriots team hackcheese
1981 dolphins team 15moremin
1981 chargers team buildmonkeys
1985 dolphins team chickin
1985 bears team doorknob
1986 browns team kamehameha
1986 broncos team bluescreen
1988 49ers team callmesally
1988 bengals team ptmominfoget
1990 giants team profsmooth
1990 bills team spoon
1995 steelers team steampunk
1995 colts team predators
1997 packers team tundra
1997 broncos team earthpeople
all-madden team teammadden
all '60s team mojobaby
all '70s team lovebeads
all '80s team bighair
all '90s team interns
clown team carney
comets team onesmallstep
ea sports team wearethegame
industrials team inthefuture
junkyarddogs team madmadden
madden millennium team timeless
marshalls team cowboys
monsters team kthulu
mummies team wrappedup
nfl millennium team alltimebest
praetorians team doaswedo
sugarbuzz team tremendous1_2
tiburon team sharkattack
toymakers team xmasfiles
vipers team playwthheart

View: 6914 times
Updated: 2004.02.17

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