Mat Hoffman's Pro BMX 2

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Mat Hoffman's Pro BMX 2
Name of the file: Mat Hoffman's Pro BMX 2 - Author: MIK - [PSX]

Level select:
Quickly press Square, Right(2), Triangle, Down, Square at the "Press Start" screen. Note: This code does not unlock all levels in road trip mode; only in free ride, session, and multi-player.

Boston level in road trip mode:
Quickly press Square, Up, Down(2), Up, Square at the "Press Start" screen.

Chicago level in road trip mode:
Quickly press Square, Up, Triangle, Up, Triangle, Square at the "Press Start" screen.

Las Vegas level in road trip mode:
Quickly press Square, R1, Left, L1, Right, Square at the "Press Start" screen.

Los Angeles level in road trip mode:
Quickly press Square, Left, Triangle(2), Left, Square at the "Press Start" screen.

New Orleans level in road trip mode:
Quickly press Square, Down, Right, Up, Left, Square at the "Press Start" screen.

Portland level in road trip mode:
Quickly press Square, X(2), Triangle(2), Square at the "Press Start" screen.

Play as Day Smith:
Quickly press Triangle, Up, Down, Up, Down, Square at the "Press Start" screen.

Play as Vanessa:
Quickly press Triangle, Down, Left(2), Down, Square at the "Press Start" screen.

Play as Big Foot:
Quickly press Triangle, Right, Up, Right, Up, Square at the "Press Start" screen.

Play as The Mime:
Quickly press Triangle, Left, Right, Left, Right, Left at the "Press Start" screen. Alternately, find all of the gaps in the game.

Play as Volcano:
Quickly press Triangle, Up(2), X, Up(2), X at the "Press Start" screen.

Elvis costume:
Quickly press Circle, L12), Up(2) at the "Press Start" screen.

BMX costume:
Quickly press Circle, Triangle, Left, Right, Left, Circle at the "Press Start" screen.

Tiki Battle mode:
Quickly press L1(2), Down, R1, X, L1 at the "Press Start" screen.

Big Foot's FMV sequences:
Quickly press R1, Up, Down, Left, X(3), R1 at the "Press Start" screen.

Cory Nastazio's FMV sequences:
Quickly press R1, Square, Circle(2), Square(3), R1 at the "Press Start" screen.

Day Smith's FMV sequences:
Quickly press R1, Circle, Left(2), Square, Right(2), R1 at the "Press Start" screen.

Joe Kowalski's FMV sequences:
Quickly press R1, Up, X, Triangle, Down, R1 at the "Press Start" screen.

Kevin Robinson's FMV sequences:
Quickly press R1, X, Triangle, Down, Up, R1 at the "Press Start" screen.

Mat Hoffman's FMV sequences:
Quickly press R1, Left, Circle, Left, Circle, Left, R1 at the "Press Start" screen.

Mike Escamilla's FMV sequences:
Quickly press R1, Circle, X(2), Circle, X(2), R1 at the "Press Start" screen.

Nate Wessel's FMV sequences:
Quickly press R1, Down, Triangle, Circle, Down, Triangle, Circle, R1 at the "Press Start" screen.

Ruben Alcantara's FMV sequences:
Quickly press R1, Left, Right, Left, Right, Left, Right, R1 at the "Press Start" screen.

Rick Thorne's FMV sequences:
Quickly press R1, L1, Right, R1, Left, R1 at the "Press Start" screen.

Seth Kimbrough's FMV sequences:
Quickly press R1, Up, Up, Circle(3), R1 at the "Press Start" screen.

Simon Tabron's FMV sequences:
Quickly press R1, L1(2), R1, L1(2), R1 at the "Press Start" screen.

All music tracks:
Quickly press L1, Left(2), Right(3), X(2) at the "Press Start" screen.


Backflip No Footer: Press Right, Left, Circle.
Superman One Hander: Press Left, Right, Square.
Decade Air: Press Left, Up, Circle.

Cory Nastazio
Back Flip Tabletop X-Down: Press Up, Left, Square.
Back Flip Tailwhip: Press Right, Left, Circle.
Half Barspin Tailwhip: Press Left, Right, Square

Day Smith
Back Flip One Footer: Press Left, Right, Square.
Decade Air: Press Right, Left, Circle.
Pendulum: Press Left, Down, Square

Joe Kowalski
Half Barspin Tailwhip: Press Up, Left, Circle.
No Footed Candybar One Hander: Press Right, Left, Square.
Superman One Hander: Press Left, Right, Circle

Kevin Robinson
Pendulum: Left, Right, Square.
Rocket One Footer Candybar: Right, Left, Circle.
No Handed Backflip: Down, Right, Square.

Mat Hoffman
Back Flip Tailwhip: Press Right, Down, Square.
Barhop: Press Right, Left, Circle.
Peacock: Press Left, Up, Circle

Mike Escamilla
Back Flip No Footer: Press Left, Right, Circle.
Body Varial: Press Right, Up, Square.
Decade Air: Press Right, Left, Square

Nate Wessel
Back Flip No Footer: Press Right, Left, Circle.
Pendulum: Press Left, Right, Square.
Superman Double Seat Grab: Press Down, Left, Square

Rick Thorne
No Hander Backflip: Press Down, Right Square.
One Handed Swing Leg: Press Right, Left, Circle.
Rocket One Footer Candybar: Press Right, Left, Circle

Ruben Alcantara
Decade Air: Press Left, Right, Circle.
Double Tailwhip: Press Down, Left, Circle.
Superman One Hander: Press Right, Left, Square

Seth Kimbrough
Barhop: Press Left, Right, Square.
Superman Seat Grab Truckdriver: Press Right, Down, Square.
Swing Leg: Press Left, Right, Circle

Simon Tabron
900: Press Left, Down, Square.
Double Front Peg Grab: Press Right, Left, Square.
Swing Leg: Press Left, Right, Circle

Barhop: Press Up, Left, Square.
Rocket One Footer Candybar: Press Left, Right, Circle.
Swing Leg: Press Right, Left, Square

Back Flip No Footer: Press Left, Right, Square.
One Hander Swing Leg: Press Down, Right, Square.
Rocket One Foot Candybar: Press Right, Left, Circle

View: 7374 times
Updated: 2004.02.17

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