Metal Gear Solid 2 - Demo

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Metal Gear Solid 2 - Demo
Name of the file: Metal Gear Solid 2 - Demo - Author: ANO - [PSX]

Cool things to try:
Go into the room where the guards lockers are. Open up the locker in the far upper left corner and there will be a poster of an oriental woman in a black bikini. Press up against the wall and knock on the poster. You will hear a funny noise when you hit a certain spot on the poster.

First sneak up behind a guard with your gun drawn (make sure it is empty!!!) he will then raise his hands signalling he surrenders. Try and shoot your gun, but since it is empty it will make a clicking noise. The guard will hear this and realize you can hurt him. He will then shoot you , so be prepared.

Blood masks:
After knocking out a gaurd or killing one equip the usp and aim for they're masks. Shoot them sevral times to make the mask fill with blood.

Blood everywhere:
After knocking out or killing a guard equip the usp and shoot them in their croch sevral times and then there will be blood over the place. (personaly I knock out both the guards and waste all 61 bullets on this trick!)

Bye Bye Brains:
When scareing a guard and they are up to a window and your in back of them shoot them in the back of they're head this will make blood fly all over the place.

Make a jerk of the guards:
When being chased go around a corner and then just put your back to the wall the gaurds will run past you without noticing your there making a jerk out of the gaurds. (sometimes this doesnt work because its all based on timing)

To Make guards stand in a stare:
When you go into the room with the Guard at the bottom of the stairs, and glass infront of him shoot the glass once, then aim the next bullet to the blue ? mark above his head, when it comes up shoot it and he will, be knocked out but standing for the whole game until you leave the room, or another gaurd knocks him. I roll on him and knock him out on the floor.

To get Snakes biceps working:
When Snake is hniging pull him up and the lower him (L1+R1+2) His byceps will grow, and so will his grip, after 100 octogan will phone you up to congratulate you

View: 6385 times
Updated: 2004.02.17

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