Micro Machines V3

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Micro Machines V3
Name of the file: Micro Machines V3 - Author: ANO - [PSX]

Debug mode:
Press Square, Up, Down(2), Square, Circle(2), Triangle, X during game play. A beep will confirm correct code entry. Once debug mode is active, enter one of the following codes during game play to activate the corresponding feature:

Win current race - Press Select + X
Change view - Press Select + D-pad
Zoom in or out - Press Select + L2 or Select + R2
CPU control of player's car - Press Select + Square
Destroy all cars - Press X + Triangle + Circle + Square

Additional races:
After completion of the "Beginner", "Tricky", and "Difficult" groups, an "Advanced" group of races will become available.

Turbo start:
Begin to accelerate just before the second beep. If timed correctly, you will begin the race with a turbo start. The phrase "turbo start" will appear to confirm correct trick entry.

Nine lives in single player mode:
Enter CATLIVES as a player name. A sound will confirm correct code entry. You may re-enter another name before starting game play.

Three lives in multi-player mode::
Enter 3LIVES as a player name.

All tracks in multi-player mode:
Enter GIMMEALL as a player name. A sound will confirm correct code entry. You may re-enter another name before starting game play.

Tanks on all tracks in multi-player mode:
Enter TANKS4ME as a player name. A sound will confirm correct code entry. You may re-enter another name before starting game play.

No tank weapons in multi-player mode:
Enter NOTANKS as a player name. A sound will confirm correct code entry. You may re-enter another name before starting game play.

Snow during trophy win:
Enter WINTERY as a player name. A sound will confirm correct code entry. You may re-enter another name before starting game play. Enter CONFETTI as a player name to return to normal.

Transform car to any object:
Pause game play and press Down(2), Up(2), Right(2), Left(2).

Floating objects:
Pause game play and press Square, Triangle, Square(2), Triangle, Square(2), Triangle, X.

Double speed:
Pause game play and press X, Circle, Square, Triangle, X(4). Enter the code again to disable this mode.

Slow CPU cars:
Pause game play and press Circle, Triangle, Square, X, Circle, Triangle, Square, Cross.

Behind car view:
Pause game play and press Left, Right, Square, Circle, Left, Right, Square, Circle.

Big jumps:
Press Square, Right(2), Down, Up, Down, Left, Down(2) during game play. A beep will confirm correct code entry. Enter the code again to disable this mode.

View: 5666 times
Updated: 2004.02.17

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