Nanotek Warrior

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Nanotek Warrior
Name of the file: Nanotek Warrior - Author: MAM - [PSX]

Level Password

Normal difficulty
2 Square, Triangle, X, Triangle, Square, X, Square, Triangle, X
3 Triangle, Square, X, Triangle, Square, Triangle, X, Square, X
Bonus 1 Square, Circle, X, Triangle, Square, Circle, Triangle, Circle, X
4 X, Triangle, Square, X, Square, Triangle, X, Square, Circle
5 Circle, Triangle, Square, X, Square, Circle, X, Circle, Square
6 Triangle, Circle, Square, X, Square, Triangle, X, Circle, X
Bonus 2 Square, Square, Square, X, Square, Square, Triangle, Triangle, Square
7 X, Triangle, X, Circle, Square, X, Triangle, Circle, Square
8 Square, Triangle, X, Circle, Square, X, Triangle, Circle, X

Hard difficulty
2 Square, X, Triangle, X, Square, Triangle, X, Square, Circle
3 X, Square, Triangle, X, Square, Circle, X, Square, Triangle
Bonus 1 Square, Circle, Triangle, X, Square, Triangle, Circle, Square, X
4 X, Triangle, Circle, X, Square, Triangle, Circle, Square, Triangle
5 Square, Triangle, Circle, X, Square, Triangle, X, Circle, X
6 Triangle, Square, Circle, Triangle, X, Circle, Square, Circle, Triangle
Bonus 2 Circle, Square, Circle, Triangle, X, Triangle, Square, Circle, X
7 Triangle, X, Triangle, Circle, X, Square, X, Square, Triangle
8 Square, X, Triangle, Circle, X, Square, Triangle, Square, X

Upgraded Nanotek Ship Passwords
Level 1 with Upgraded Nanotek ship:
Press X, Square, X, Square, Square, Circle, X, Triangle, X

Level 1 with Upgraded Nanotek ship + Ultimate Thunder weapon with unlimited power:
Press X, Square, Triangle, Circle, Square, Circle, X, Triangle, X

Stop ship:
Pause game play and press Triangle, Left, Triangle, Right, Triangle, Up, Triangle, Start. The power-up sound will confirm correct code entry. Press Triangle to stop your ship.

Enable memory card:
Insert a memory card before starting the game. Pause game play and press Left, Right, Left(2), R2, Circle, L1, X. The power-up sound will confirm correct code entry. Quit the game after completing level 2 or higher. An alternate password screen with five save game slots will appear.

Random curving:
Pause game play and press Circle, Select, Left, Square(2), Down, Up, X. The power-up sound will confirm correct code entry. The tube will curve randomly when game play is resumed.

Full shield:
Pause game play and press Select, Circle, Right, Up(2), L1(2), X. The power-up sound will confirm correct code entry.

Warp speed:
Pause game play and press Circle, Square, Circle, Square, Triangle(3), X. The power-up sound will confirm correct code entry.

Cockpit view:
Pause game play and press Triangle, Circle, Square(2), Triangle(2), Select, Start. The power-up sound will confirm correct code entry. The view will switch to a semi-first person viewpoint.

Rotate enemy and obstacle positions:
Pause game play and press R1(2), Up, Circle, Square, Triangle, L2, X. The power-up sound will confirm correct code entry. The next level played will have obstacles and enemies in a slightly different location from their original place.

Camera lock:
Pause game play and press Circle, Square, Triangle(2), Circle, Square, Triangle, Start. The power-up sound will confirm correct code entry. The view will adjust to keep the ship in the center of the screen.

Destructible obstacles:
Pause game play and press Square, Circle, R2(2), Left, Up, Down, X. The power-up sound will confirm correct code entry.

Special weapons:
Enter X, Square, Triangle, Circle, Square, Circle, X, Triangle, X as a password. Alternatively, enter X, Triangle, Circle, Square, Circle, X, Triangle, X as a password.

Black NanoTek ship:
Enter X, Square, X, Square, Square, Circle, X, Triangle, X as a password. The ship will be available with four lives and all weapons on level 1.

Full story:
Insert the game disc into a PC compatible CD-ROM drive. View the STORY.TXT file for the complete version of the NanoTek Warrior story.

Screen shots:
Insert the game disc into a PC compatible CD-ROM drive. Load the .JPG files with a graphics program to display screen shots from the game.

View: 5583 times
Updated: 2004.02.17

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