NBA Jam Tournament Edition

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NBA Jam Tournament Edition
Name of the file: NBA Jam Tournament Edition - Author: ANO - [PSX]

Extended roster:
Highlight a team in the Select Teams screen. Hold Select and rotate the D-pad counter-clockwise twice to access an extended roster for that team.

Unlimited credits:
Press Select during the count down after the game ends.

Shot percentage:
Press Up(2), Down(2), Triangle at the Today's Matchup screen.

Quick hands:
Press Left(4), Circle, Right at the Today's Matchup screen.

Maximum power:
Press Right(2), Left, Right, X(2), Right at the Today's Matchup screen.

Power-up goaltending:
Press Right, Up, Down, Right, Down, Up at the Today's Matchup screen.

Power-up fire:
Press Down, Right(2), Circle, Triangle, Left at the Today's Matchup screen.

Power-up turbo:
Press Circle (3), Square, Down(2), Up(2) at the Today's Matchup screen.

Power-up offense:
Press Square, Circle, Up, Square, Circle, Up, Down at the Today's Matchup screen.

Power-up three pointers:
Press Up, Down, Left, Right, Left, Down, Up at the Today's Matchup screen.

Full court jams:
Press Left, Right, X, Circle(2), X at the Today's Matchup screen.

Full court push:
Press Down(2), X, Circle, X, Right(2) at the Today's Matchup screen.

Push one and both fall:
Press Up (4), Left (4), Circle (2) at the Today's Matchup screen.

Push one and teammate falls:
Press Up (4), Left (4), Circle, Triangle at the Today's Matchup screen.

Teleport pass:
Press Up, Right (2), Left, Circle, Down, Left (2), Circle, Square at the Today's Matchup screen.

Press Up, Down, Up, Down, Right, Up, Circle (4), Down at the Today's Matchup screen.

Speed up:
Press Up(4), Left(4), X, Triangle at the Today's Matchup screen.

Baby mode:
Press Circle, Square, Circle, Square Circle, Square at the Today's Matchup screen.

Huge Mode:
Press [Triangle, X] seven times at the Today's Matchup screen.

Big Heads:
Press Triangle, Square, X, Circle, Triangle, Square, X, Circle at the Today's Matchup screen.

Mammoth Heads:
Press [Circle, X, Square, Triangle] five times at the Today's Matchup screen.

Final game of the season:
Hold L1 + R1 and enter the initials END and a date of January 1.
NBA Jam champion:
Hold L1 + R1 and enter the initials FIN and a date of January 1.

Secret players:
Hold L1 + R1 and enter the following initials and dates.
Acclaim Team

Magic Hair STH December 8
Weasel DAN January 2
Max LIZ August 7
Fumungus GUN January 11
Sequoia SAW April 10
Pistol WAN June 10
Chow Chow CHD May 5
Brutah GOW July 17
Boo-Boo THI November 1
Kabuki KUB April 14
Facime DEL October 19
Air-Dog AIR Janurary 21

Iguana Team

Kirby CHR December 18
J Moon JAY August 24
J Falcus JAS November 16
Snake SNK June 15
Hill ZIG April 7
Catling CAT January 2
Hutchinson BAR April 9
D Falcus DAZ August 6
Hodgeson HOG December 31
Tunnicliff SAT May 7
Jax JAX March 1
Mad Mike MUS December 24
McHugh BAA July 12
Higgins TOM February 19
Gray ROB February 23

Williams Team

Turmell TUR January 31
Goskie GOS January 6
Rivett REV July 6
Carlton CAL March 25
Divita DIV July 3
Liptak LIP January 14

NBA Personalities

Larry Bird LAR Janurary 15
Carol Blazejowski BLZ January 14
Charlotte Hornet HOR June 12
Chicago Bull BEN September 20
Minnesota Timberwolf WOL March 7
Phoenix Gorilla APE April 2

Sonic Youth

Thurston Moore MOE June 8
Kim Gordon GOR July 3
Lee Renaldo REN February 4
Steve Shelley SHY June 8

Beastie Boys

Adrock ADR April 6
MC Adam Yauch MCA April 9
Mike D M_D July 1


Bill Clinton BIL June 3
Hillary Clinton HIL November 6
Prince Charles CHA May 4
Heavy D HEA January 9
Jazzy Jeff JAZ October 9
Fresh Prince FRS February 2
Frank Thomas FNK January 8

View: 7352 times
Updated: 2004.02.17

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