Name of the file: NBA Jam Tournament Edition - Author: ANO - [PSX] |
Extended roster: Highlight a team in the Select Teams screen. Hold Select and rotate the D-pad counter-clockwise twice to access an extended roster for that team. Unlimited credits: Press Select during the count down after the game ends. Shot percentage: Press Up(2), Down(2), Triangle at the Today's Matchup screen. Quick hands: Press Left(4), Circle, Right at the Today's Matchup screen. Maximum power: Press Right(2), Left, Right, X(2), Right at the Today's Matchup screen. Power-up goaltending: Press Right, Up, Down, Right, Down, Up at the Today's Matchup screen. Power-up fire: Press Down, Right(2), Circle, Triangle, Left at the Today's Matchup screen. Power-up turbo: Press Circle (3), Square, Down(2), Up(2) at the Today's Matchup screen. Power-up offense: Press Square, Circle, Up, Square, Circle, Up, Down at the Today's Matchup screen. Power-up three pointers: Press Up, Down, Left, Right, Left, Down, Up at the Today's Matchup screen. Full court jams: Press Left, Right, X, Circle(2), X at the Today's Matchup screen. Full court push: Press Down(2), X, Circle, X, Right(2) at the Today's Matchup screen. Push one and both fall: Press Up (4), Left (4), Circle (2) at the Today's Matchup screen. Push one and teammate falls: Press Up (4), Left (4), Circle, Triangle at the Today's Matchup screen. Teleport pass: Press Up, Right (2), Left, Circle, Down, Left (2), Circle, Square at the Today's Matchup screen. High-Shots: Press Up, Down, Up, Down, Right, Up, Circle (4), Down at the Today's Matchup screen. Speed up: Press Up(4), Left(4), X, Triangle at the Today's Matchup screen. Baby mode: Press Circle, Square, Circle, Square Circle, Square at the Today's Matchup screen. Huge Mode: Press [Triangle, X] seven times at the Today's Matchup screen. Big Heads: Press Triangle, Square, X, Circle, Triangle, Square, X, Circle at the Today's Matchup screen. Mammoth Heads: Press [Circle, X, Square, Triangle] five times at the Today's Matchup screen. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Final game of the season: Hold L1 + R1 and enter the initials END and a date of January 1. NBA Jam champion: Hold L1 + R1 and enter the initials FIN and a date of January 1. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Secret players: Hold L1 + R1 and enter the following initials and dates. Acclaim Team Magic Hair STH December 8 Weasel DAN January 2 Max LIZ August 7 Fumungus GUN January 11 Sequoia SAW April 10 Pistol WAN June 10 Chow Chow CHD May 5 Brutah GOW July 17 Boo-Boo THI November 1 Kabuki KUB April 14 Facime DEL October 19 Air-Dog AIR Janurary 21 Iguana Team Kirby CHR December 18 J Moon JAY August 24 J Falcus JAS November 16 Snake SNK June 15 Hill ZIG April 7 Catling CAT January 2 Hutchinson BAR April 9 D Falcus DAZ August 6 Hodgeson HOG December 31 Tunnicliff SAT May 7 Jax JAX March 1 Mad Mike MUS December 24 McHugh BAA July 12 Higgins TOM February 19 Gray ROB February 23 Williams Team Turmell TUR January 31 Goskie GOS January 6 Rivett REV July 6 Carlton CAL March 25 Divita DIV July 3 Liptak LIP January 14 NBA Personalities Larry Bird LAR Janurary 15 Carol Blazejowski BLZ January 14 Charlotte Hornet HOR June 12 Chicago Bull BEN September 20 Minnesota Timberwolf WOL March 7 Phoenix Gorilla APE April 2 Sonic Youth Thurston Moore MOE June 8 Kim Gordon GOR July 3 Lee Renaldo REN February 4 Steve Shelley SHY June 8 Beastie Boys Adrock ADR April 6 MC Adam Yauch MCA April 9 Mike D M_D July 1 Celebrities Bill Clinton BIL June 3 Hillary Clinton HIL November 6 Prince Charles CHA May 4 Heavy D HEA January 9 Jazzy Jeff JAZ October 9 Fresh Prince FRS February 2 Frank Thomas FNK January 8 |
View: 7352 times |
Updated: 2004.02.17 |
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