NBA ShootOut 2001

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NBA ShootOut 2001
Name of the file: NBA ShootOut 2001 - Author: ANO - [PSX]

Game music
Play track two and higher of the game disc in an audio CD player to hear music from the game.

Always make shot
Pause the game and hold L1 + L2 + R1 + R2. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound.


Game Shark Codes

Allows Game to Play in a Mod-Chip System [Note] D01AD5E8 023A
801AD5EA 1000
D01AD560 000A
801AD562 1000
Infinite Creation Points 801E67E0 0320
Infinite Shot Clock Time D00E7432 000A
800E7432 0018
Home Team Infinite Time Outs 800E7418 0006
Home Team Never Has Fouls 800176FC 0000
Home Team Starts with 5 Fouls D00176FC 0000
800176FC 0005
Home Team Scores 0 800176E0 0000
800176E2 0000
800176E4 0000
Home Team Scores 100 800176E0 0000
800176E2 0000
800176E4 0064
Home Team Score Modifier 800176E0 0000
800176E2 0000
800176E4 00??
Home Team 2 Pointers Made Modifier 800176E0 00??
Home Team 3 Pointers Made Modifier 800176E2 00??
Home Team Free Throws Made Modifier 800176E4 00??
Away Team Infinite Time Outs 800E741A 0006
Away Team Never Has Fouls 8001773C 0000
Away Team Starts with 5 Fouls D001773C 0000
8001773C 0005
Away Team Scores 0 80017720 0000
80017722 0000
80017724 0000
Away Team Scores 100 80017720 0000
80017722 0000
80017724 0064
Away Team Score Modifier 80017720 0000
80017722 0000
80017724 00??
Away Team 2 Pointers Made Modifier 80017720 00??
Away Team 3 Pointers Made Modifier 80017722 00??
Away Team Free Throws Made Modifier 80017724 00??

Note: You must have a 2.41 or higher version of the Game Shark to use this code. If your version of the Game Shark meets that requirement, and the code still doesn't work, then add "C1000000 0000" to the code.

View: 5342 times
Updated: 2004.02.17

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