Name of the file: Orphen : The Scion of Sorcery - Author: JOE - [PSX] |
Orphen The Scion of Sorcery System: Playstation2 Type: RPG/Adventure Maker: Activision Version: Final Date: 12/03/00 Table of Contents: 1-Story 2-Walkthrough 3-FAQ 4-Items 5-Spells 6-Monsters 7-Credits 1.Story Tricked by Volcan into sailing to the merchant city of Arvanrama on the promise of "easy money," Orphen and his friends quickly find themselves in trouble when monsters attack their ship. Somehow they all make it off the sinking ship safely, only to find themselves stranded on Chaos Island, together with three fellow travelers-the dancing girl Sephy, the mercenary Zeus, and the musician Mar. Orphen, Cleo, and Magnus set off to explore the mysterious island. What fate lies in store for our heroes? -Instruction manual My thoughts, I managed to get my hands on a Playstation 2 the day it came out, and Orphen was the first game I bought for it. By reading previews and the story, I was expecting the game to deliver a lot. Unfortunately, Orphen didn't come anywhere near my high expectations. The graphics and story are great, but the gameplay was only mediocre and short. There is no doubt that the game was obviously rushed since there are so many faults and glitches...but hopefully future games or spawns of Orphen will be much better. But anyway, enough with my opinion and on to the walkthrough :) 2.Walkthrough The walkthrough will be divided into four parts. 2.1-The Ship 2.2-Sephy 2.3-Zeus 2.4-Mar Each section describes their respective quests. 2.1-The Ship Area: The Ship Items: Emerald Incense x4, Blue Incense x2, Sleeping Chimes Descriptions: Enjoy the dialogue(however long it may be), and prepare to play Orphen! Shortly after taking control of Orphen, visit the nearby cabins and loot the treasure. Then proceed to the end of the hallway where there will be a room with 3 treasure chests. Two contain items, the one in the middle will activate a switch to continue the game. After the switch is activated, continue down the hallway, exploring more rooms and getting treasure. When you are prepared to continue, enter the last room on the right... Boss: Ingorudo & Garjics Learn: Shield of Immunity Being the first boss in the game, Ingorudo is fairly easy. Blast him with Hand of Pyro and shield up when he throws rocks or prepares to breath steam at you. In no time you should have him begging for mercy, or exploding into a bunch of Garjics.... One fully charged Bite of Lightning should handle the swarm of little Garjics, but there are sometimes little misfits who must be taken out with the Hand of Pyro. Once the boss has been defeated, proceed up the stairs and enter the room to the right. Take its treasures and enter the room above the stairs to the left. Magnus and Cleo will each go a different way, and it does not matter who you follow. At any rate, you will end up facing some flying pests. Dispatch them and find Sephy and Magnus... Boss: Gariga Learn: Bolt of Thunder Gariga is also another pushover. When he jumps past you hit him with Hand of Pyro, then shield up to avoid his lightning attacks. Right before he dives into the water, tap circle and hit him with the Bite of Lightning. Repeat the process until he's toast, but remember, you must kill him before he destroys all 3 masts and sends you sleeping with the fishes... 2.2-Sephy Area: Abandoned Pathways Items: Emerald Lantern, Ball of Shadows Description: Before you enter the tower to get out of the rain, make sure you grab Sephy's Ball of Shadows attack, which is past the giant tree, straight from where you enter the area. After you snatch the treasure, proceed to the tower... You must now use Sephy to get inside the tower. Jump from crate to crate until you get to the vines. Climb up the vine and follow this path: up, right, up, left, up, right till end, and then jump onto the ledge. If followed correctly you should land inside the tower... Area: Tower of Mercy Items: Emerald Lantern x4, Sleeping Chimes, Emerald Incense, Summoning Bell Description: You start off facing various swinging blades right away. Use Orphen and stand at the edge of the traps until they swing up, then run for it. After the third blade, there is a treasure hidden off to the side you may want to get. Proceed past the final blade, and use the elevator to reach the next floor. Here is yet another trap, but don't worry. The spikes sticking out of the ground deal little to none, so you can fall a lot. After reaching the opposite side of the spikes, snag the treasure and go up to the next floor. Don't miss the two treasure chests on this floor before going up the platforms. It's not too difficult, and all you have to do is jump higher and higher until you reach the next elevator. You're now faced with another puzzle. Take the right set of cogs and jump to the other side. Careful not to fall, or you'll plummet down to the previous floor! Area: Abandoned Pathways(present) Items: Emerald Lantern x3, Sleeping Chimes, Blue Lantern, Smelly Bag Description: Explore and get the treasures on the pathway, and then proceed to the dead end you came across before. The pathway will be divided into to paths. Take the left path and get the treasure, then go right to collect more treasure and continue on with the game... Area: Abandoned Pathways(winter) Items: Emerald Incense, Purple Lantern, Blue Incense Description: Explore to find more treasure, but watch out for the icicles. They can do some major damage, so take them out with your projectile or sword attack to be on the safe side. Continue on until you find another piece of egg... Area: Abandoned Pathways Items: Sleeping Chimes, Dance of Darkness, Blue Incense Description: Phew...another set of abandoned pathways... Explore some more and find some treasure, then return to where you started to advance the plot. You will now get control of Sephy, and your first order of business should be to hit the switch. Now jump from platform to platform to get to the Curin Tree, but don't forget the treasure on the way. When you reach the tree, hit the switch and move on. Another pathway will appear, and it will lead to more treasure and the exit. Area: Entrance to Aerial Pathway Items: Perfume Scented Bag, Emerald Lantern, Summoning Bell Description: Go up the pathway via the many bridges, and snag the treasures along the way. Area: Aerial Pathways Items Emerald Lantern x2, Bug Attractor, Purple Incense, Sleeping Chimes Description: Follow the path and collect the treasure. At the end of the path, examine the wall to continue on... Prepare to encounter a VERY dangerous trap. Two hits from this bad boy will make you start over, and have to listen to the dialogue AGAIN!!! Although listening to it once is fun, there is no way to fastforward it, so you can't make a mistake. Advance the first row of spikes until you are confident enough to jump over them without getting nailed, and repeat the process for the second row of spikes. Use items if necessary, but I wouldn't advise dying... When you reach the end of the trap, jump down the pit and continue. Continue on the pathway and climb up the vine to continue. Continue on this path until you get to a pit. Jump down the pit and examine the bull-headed statue. Can you solve his riddle? Regardless, return to where you previously were to find Dorton and Volcan. Catch them to find the answer to the riddle, then return and talk to the statue again. A new path will now open. Snag the treasure and continue on. The next set of traps are swinging axes. They deal some serious damage as well, so walk close and run past them when its safe. On the next floor you will be greeted with more axes, and rolling balls(Indiana Jones allusion, anyone?). Dodge the balls first, then handle the axes. The next floor is a cinch. To avoid the falling spikes simply hug the wall until you reach the exit. On the next floor you will be confronted with more swinging axes. Be careful not to step on weak parts of the floor, or else you will fall down to the falling spike level again. Continue on the pathway, and prepare yourself... Boss: Minotaur Learn: Pinnacle of the Sun Ok...this guy is the toughest you'll have fought so far. Shield up right away to prevent from being cooked by his fire wall. The minotaur will repeatedly charge you, knocking you back down the hallway. Try and attack him right when he charges, so you hit him before he hits you(be aware that ONLY sword attacks will work against him!). Make sure that he doesn't knock you back too far as well, or you will fall off the end of the hallway, leading to instant death. Area: Gaia's Tomb Description: Explore the area, but there are no items here. Talk to everyone in the rest house until they leave, then go back to the tomb and join Sephy to proceed onwards through the new door. Area: Prison Items: Bug Attractor, Emerald Lantern, Emerald Incense, Summoning Bell, Sleeping Chimes, Blue Incense Description: After reuniting with the group, the old lady will send you plummeting to her little dungeon. Use Magnus to jump on the weakened floor until he falls through. The next area is a little tricky. Since Magnus can't attack, you will have to avoid the flying monsters. Find treasure while hitting switches until you reach a big area. Jump on the platform repeatedly to reach the next section of the area. Now find a weakened wall in between to flickering flames. Have Magnus push it until it opens up a new passage with more goodies. Proceed onward. Yet again jump on the weakened floors at the end of the path...sheesh... You will now enter an area full of stairs and paths. Big hands tend to fly up from the darkness while your on the paths, so watch out for them. There is also hidden treasure off to the side of the stairs that you can grab. Area: Underground Labyrinth Items: Emerald Incense, Perfume Scented Bag, Blue Lantern Description: Be prepared to stand up against more death traps. Axes and falling spikes are once again the prime tools of your demise, and by now you should have mastered ways to get around them. Continue onwards avoiding the traps, getting treasure, and hit the first switch you come across. It will move a ball so you can continue, but DO NOT hit the second switch you see, unless you like being whacked by iron balls... Proceed on the path until you find a pit, jump inside it and get ready for a puzzle... Items: Emerald Incense x2, Dance of Wind Description: This puzzle isn't too tough, but your first order of business should be to collect the treasure. Then find Sephy and Magnus, who tell Orphen to climb inside a cage. Do as they say to move the cage. After that, find another cage with a statue inside. Push the statue out to move that cage as well. Find the room with many cages, and jump on them until the game cuts to a scene where a cage lifts up to reveal stairs. It is the same room as the Dance of Wind, so return to the room and go down the stairs. You will now enter many hallways with arrow shooting statues. Collect the treasures and proceed on, and don't worry about the statues... You could literally be hit with dozens of arrows and still live since they deal so little. Area: Underground Temple Items: none Description: Push the statue with a head into the corner to create a stairway to the next level. Repeat the process on each level until you reach the bottom of the area at the foot of the temple. Walk around the base of the temple until you reach a strange block. Sephy will take over, and you will now have to lead her to the top. The first puzzle is easy, go from one of the room to the next, but beware of the pop up walls, for they can block you in. If you find that you are completely trapped, step on a switch to start the puzzle over again. Otherwise push the block on the opposite end of the room out, then return to the outside of the temple. Walk around to the other side, and climb up the block you just pushed out. Find an entrance to another room on the second level of the temple. This puzzle is a bit more tricky. First, jump on the ledge and push the first block off of it. This will trigger a wall to pop up. Circle round the wall to activate yet another pop up wall. Now push the FIRST block to make a pathway for the second block. Jump up behind the second block and use it to make a pathway to the next exit... Phew, now jump up to the next level and walk around it to continue... Boss: Statue & Skeletons Learn: Hail of Heavens The object of this battle is to destroy the statue. Even if you kill the skeletons, they will revive themselves until the statue is destroyed. An easy way is to target the statue and cast the Hand of Pyro, which will hit the skeletons in the way. Your party members will follow your lead, opening up a path to the statue. In the short time you have with a clear line of sight, charge your sword up and beat the statue senseless. It will take a few tries, but you eventually should destroy it. Area: Gaia's Tomb Once again, talk to everyone in the rest house until they leave. Go back out into the tomb area and join Sephy. Go through the new door to continue. Items: Herb, Bug Attractor, Emerald Lantern Description: You have more then enough time to use Sephy to clear a pathway to the exit, but make sure you get the herb, which is a valuable item that restores all of your hp. Area: Tower of Mercy(past) Items: Emerald Incense, Blue Incense, Sleeping Chimes, Purple Lantern x2, Smelly Bag, Blue Lantern, Emerald Lantern, Perfume Scented Bag Description: Proceed down the tower with Magnus. The traps and treasure locations are relatively the same as they were the first time around, so you won't be up against anything new. At the bottom of the tower, flick all the switches and move on... With Orphen and Sephy go down the tower to where Magnus was. You will find him missing, but will be greeted with more monsters. After you dispatch them find a passage behind the sand to continue on. Items: Blue Lantern, Summoning Bell, Blue Incense x2 Description: After you enter the passage keeping going until you spot a ladder. Find Magnus and some treasure, then move on. Boss: Golnath Learn: Shield of Inferno Resembling Gariga an awful lot, use the same strategy against Golnath. Nail him with a projectile when he flies by, then shield up when he glows. You can also hit falling rocks to break and hit him, but just make sure you kill him before he destroys all your foot holds, which will send you to an instant death. 2.3-Zeus You will end up on the ship again, but before moving on, make sure to get the Sword of Justice. After you snag this much needed weapon, proceed to talk to Zeus. After a short chat, you will have to fight Gariga again. Area: Tower of Wisdom Items: Bow of Ice, Bug Attractor, Smelly Bag, Emerald Lantern, Blue Incense, Sleeping Chimes, Purple Lantern, Summoning Bell Description: Walk around to get treasure and use the glowing portal as an elevator. On the next floor you will find a library maze and more treasure. Examine a lone library book on a shelf to continue onwards to the next level. On the bottom floor of the tower, use Cleo to jump on the shelves and barrels to reach treasures and a switch. After hitting the switch you will be able to leave the tower. Area: Ship Graveyard Items: Emerald Lantern, Blue Lantern, Smelly Bag, Bug Attractor, Emerald Incense x2 Description: Go through the ship and find items. To get to the next ship, climb the ladders to the top and fall(or climb) onto the platform below. Hold of the monsters until Zeus opens up a way for you to escape to, then continue on through the ship. Hold off more monsters again, then take control of Zeus and use his sword to destroy an old mast, creating a bridge for the rest of the party. Area: Aerial Pathway-Graveyard Items: Hammer of Rending, Emerald Lantern x3, Purple Lantern, Perfume Scented Bag Description: After seeing a ghost, explore the floor to find treasure, some of which is hidden behind graves. To continue on, push aside a grave on one of the lower levels to reveal a path to another grave. When you're inside the grave, you'll find something interesting... Now return to the top of the building and proceed onwards. Careful of the crumbling floor, although it will only slow you down. At the end of the hallway, there is treasure behind the stairway. After nabbing the treasure, you will be confronted with spikes which want to crush you. Watch their movements and run when it is safe, jumping over small pits that also pose a threat. At the end of the death traps you will leave the building and move on. Boss: Jigeos & Zandor Learn: Armor of Purity Equip the Bite of Lightning, Bolt of Thunder, and Sword of Justice attacks. Your first problem will be two tubes spouting out many Jigeos. Concentrate on one tube at a time, and watch the Jigeos' movement. After the two tubes are gone, dispatch the Jigeos with one Bite of Lightning attack. Now you will have to fight Zandor... No pushover, Zandor is a giant spider. When he sets up his defense webs, charge up the Bolt of Thunder to waste them easily. Watch out for his attack though, because they will occasionally stop you from putting up your shields, which can be very bad. When his webs fall, charge up the sword and beat him senseless. Repeat the process until he dies. Be careful however, because when he gets low on life and will shoot fire at you, which does some serious damage. Area: Gaia's Hidden Room You know the drill by to everyone in the rest house, then join Zeus and continue on. Area: Boat to Pathway Items: Summoning Bell Use Orphen to activate the first switch. To get to the switch, wait until the wheels show their gaps, then jump through to the next stone. After the first switch is activated, Zeus will have a turn. Use him to get to a large block, which you should push in the water to continue on. Finally, use Orphen once again to jump on the spinning logs to another switch, which, when activated, will complete this area. Area: Tower of Mercy Items: Emerald Incense, Sleeping Chimes, Great Sword Description: Collect the items and proceed to the "maze". Why is it in quotations? Because the maze is just one straight pathway to the next tower.... Area: Tower of Wisdom Items: none Description: Explore the tower until you come across a passage under the stairway leading to the next area. Area: Underground Labyrinth Items: Blue Incense, Purple Incense x2, Smelly Bag, Emerald Lantern x2, Blue Lantern, Emerald Incense, Sleeping Chimes Description: Watch the pattern of the falling balls and run to the switch when it is safe. In the next part of the area, be careful of the moving walls so they don't push you into the lava. After the moving walls, you once again face swinging axes. However, this time they are VERY hard to see, and if you proceed recklessly you'll be cut down very quickly. After the axes, you face more falling balls. Use Zeus to find the switches to turn off the balls. You can get to the switch by ducking into the indented parts of the wall and waiting for the balls to pass. Use this strategy until you reach the next part of the area. At the final ball trap, there are two switches that need to be pushed. Both are parallel from each other at the top of the room, so be careful when you attempt to hit them. Two hits from the balls will kill you, so use items when necessary. Boss: Doppleganger Learn: Smoke of Pain After an amusing cut scene, you're forced to fight the Doppleganger. Equip the Armor of Purity and use it to reflect his attack back at you. This will revert him to his original form, so you can pound away at him. Be careful NOT to hit him when he has shifted into Orphen, Zeus, or Magnus, however, because you will damage his respective target as well. Orphen will die and the game will end if you kill the Doppleganger when he looks like Orphen. Area: Gaia's Tomb You know the drill.... :-) Area: Tower of Mercy Items: Emerald Incense, Bug Attractor, Sleeping Chimes Description: Get the treasures and then go down the sand pit to the next level. Here the sand will suck you to a damage dealing sand pillar. Jumping helps you game ground so you won't fall into the pillar. Proceed to another sand pit to get to next level. On this level you will find a large immobile monster in the center of the room. Destroy its four sides to move on, but be careful of the smaller monsters which crawl within the sand. On this final level, use the rising sand dunes to jump up and reach a sand pit, which will bring you to... Area: Volcano Items: Summoning Bell Description: Chase the woman up to the summit of the mountain to continue. After the bridge breaks, use Orphen to walk around to the rest of the party. Be careful of the falling rocks, they don't deal much but you will get hit by them a lot. Area: Mountain Summit Items: Emerald Lantern, Perfume Scented Bag, Purple Lantern Description: Use Zeus to knock down cracked pillars. The pillars will make a bridge to the mountain summit. Boss: Zelton Learn: Falcon of Death Before Zeus joins the fray, have Orphen shoot projectiles and mainly shield up against the beast's attack. When Zeus cuts open the center of the creature, hit it with everything you've got. Be careful of the firebreathing tentacles, which charge up before letting lose. Another tentacle off to the side is also dangerous, so defend when you see it winding up. You can't damage the center of the creature if it is protected by the clawed tentacle, so defend when necessary...and enjoy Zeus' ending... Now onto Mar! 5.4-Mar Area: Boat No...not again! Yes, you have to find Magnus and Cleo and defeat Gariga one last time. Items: Cymbals of Fire, Blue Lantern After Gariga's third and final defeat, you will be stranded on a small island with Cleo. Examine the steel door to find that you're trapped, then proceed up the hill with Cleo. Go up trees and climb vines until you find a piece of the crystal egg(ohhhh). After you are warped to morning, go up the left vine, snag the treasure, go back, and climb up the right vine. Now you'll be warped back to the present again... ... ... ... ... that was cool... ... Find Mar and bring him with you. Go through the steel door at the top of the mountain, and climb down to the other steel door to find an irritated Orphen waiting for you. After a short argument over Mar's predicament, use Orphen to go back up to where Mar was located, then from there retrace Cleo's path to continue on with the game. Area: Watercourse Labyrinth Items: Emerald Lantern, Blue Lantern, Sleeping Chimes Description: Go up the stairs and throw the switch to open the gates into the next part of the area. Follow Mar to another closed gate, which the switch for is not far away from the gate again. After opening the gate, follow Mar to the music machine. After a short battle the machine break...this can't be good! Proceed up the right side of the music machine and flick the switch. Return to the left side of the music machine, go up its stairs, and you can now cross the bridge which the switch made. Continue on the path until you reach two more switches. If you flick the first switch, another bridge will be made and you can continue on. But if you want, you can flick both switches, go back and flick the first switch, go down the music machine and get two more items, (although they are kind of useless), then go back and flick all the switches again to proceed. If you want to collect every item in the game, do it, but if not, I would say skip it to save time... After you flick the second switch and cross the bridge, continue on until you leave the area. After that, proceed down the mountain until you reach an impassable river. Mar will suggest that he can climb up the mountain and push the boulder of the cliff...heh This is a bit complicated, so follow these steps: -Jump on the RIGHT log when it comes down to get to the tree -Jump on the RIGHT log again to reach the three little islands -Goto the 3rd island and jump on the LEFT log to get to land -Be patient and wait for the GREEN log to use it to get to the opposite side When on the opposite side, proceed up the mountain and examine the small boulder. Area: Endless Stairs Items: Flute of the Wind, Bug Attractor Description: Your first order of business is to find the crystal egg fragment. Take the set of stairs to your left and continue down them until you reach an open space. Go up the next set of stairs you see to reach where you saw the glowing fragment before. Examine it to be transported to...night... Time to find another piece! Retrace your steps and find the large stairwell that you passed earlier. Go up it to find a treasure and another piece of egg. Examine the egg once again to be transported to a rainy night. Go back down the large stairs and continue onward to find a bridge. Cross the bridge... Area: Chapel Hill Items: Emerald Incense x2, Purple Lantern Description: Use Mar to reach the top of the mountain. Beware of the falling boulders, but they do not deal much. Try and find treasure on the way, but your immediate health is more important. Boss: Zafeum Learn: Feathers of the Hurricane When this beast lands, unleash projectile attacks on him as much as possible. He will then fly away, and things will start to get tricky. Watch very carefully how he flies in the air, and guess where he will land. Target this area with your crosshairs, and if you watch carefully enough he will land in your Hand of Pyro. If not, shield up right away to avoid his attacks. After he is damaged enough, he will come in for a close encounter again. Be careful this time, he shoots a lot more and a lot faster. After you hit him some more again, he will fly into the area and shoot you at the same time. Since he moves too fast for a projectile attack, hit him with the Bite of Lightning in fast bursts in between protecting yourself from his attacks. In no time you should have him easily defeated. Area: Gaia's Tomb Need I say anything? Items: Blue Incense, Sleeping Chimes Yet another easy puzzle... Use Mar to jump from cog to cog to reach treasure chests and the exits. Area: Frozen Wasteland Items: Summoning Bell, Emerald Incense, Blue Incense, Smelly Bag, Blue Lantern, Emerald Lantern Quite literally no tricks here. Just have fun sliding from one end of the area to the next, while snagging the treasure along the way. All goes well, until you reach the other end... Now use Mar to knock over the wobbling ice pillar. It will take some time to get to it, but just use the minimap and slowly work your way around the area. After you knock over the pillar, proceed to the mysterious music tower... Area: Tower of Sound Items: Harp of Darkness, Blue Lantern, Perfume Scented Bag, Summoning Bell Description: This first puzzle is a little tricky. After you talk to the frog, it will play a tune. Out of the 6 music notes available, you must pick the four that play the right tune in the right order. Simply follow this diagram for an easy way out... 4 2 1 F X 3 X The "F" stands for the Frog, and play the music notes as they appear in the right order. After hitting all four notes, step on the white note that will appear above the frog to get to the next level of the tower. After a little scramble with some enemies, you'll be faced with another puzzle. This one is a little more tricky. Use the minimap to find a frog icon. Move Orphen to the vicinity of the frog icon, and then WALK, not run, up to the frog and touch him. If you run the frog will move away from you, which is why minimap is so handy in such a big area. If you slowly walk around the maze until you reach the frog, you should have no problem with this puzzle. After another fight, you will be faced with a final puzzle. Very easy, simply watch the giant frog and mimic his actions to get to the other side. Don't miss the chest on the way, and then move on. After an interesting turn of events....onto the next tower! Items: Smelly Bag, Purple Lantern Boss: Brisgar Learn: Coldness of Destruction On the way to the next tower you'll encounter a Brisgar and its Aegists. The Brisgar will keep summoning Aegists until it dies, so ignore the little icicles and go for the big beasts. The Sword of Justice and Hand of Pyro are very handy here, since it is vulnerable to fire. A few swipes with the sword and the Brisgar will be toast... Area: Tower of Mercy Items: none Proceed up the tower to see some more interesting events... Area: Gaia's Tomb ............. ............... ............... Items: Blue Lantern, Summoning Bell Another easy puzzle. Use Mar to jump from platform to platform to reach the other side. Don't miss the two treasures along the way! Area: Watercourse Labyrinth Items: Summoning Bell, Perfume Scented Bag, Purple Incense Description: This is probably the toughest part in the entire game. You will need to use Mar to lead Jado back to the music machine. Sounds easy? Wrong! Jado moves super slow, and you CAN'T lose her, so you will have to move Mar super slow as well. On top of granny's disabilities, you will have to defend her from swarms of probably hundreds of those little flying pests. My advice: Move VERY slowly and repeatedly tap triangle to shoot musical notes at the beasts. This will take care of most of them before they even come close. However, as you proceed on, you will be attacked from both sides. Here is where all those sleeping chimes, bug attractors, summoning bells, etc., will come in VERY handy. Use one of them and blast the bugs while they are busy sniffing the bags or whatever, and then move on. Be prepared to spend at least 10 minutes here though, and things get quite tedious when the bugs keep on coming and coming and coming and coming and coming... You should eventually come to an open area though, and if Jado is still alive and with you, you'll enter a small battle. After it's over, Orphen and Cleo will show up...onwards! Area: Underground Labyrinth Items: Sleeping Chimes, Blue Lantern x2, Emerald Incense, Purple Lantern x2 Description: Same old. Same old. More falling spikes and axes greet you here, and you should be a pro by now. After dodging them go straight when you come to a fork in the path. Hit the switch and return to the fork and go the other way. Hit the next switch and duck into the wall while the ball passes you by. Proceed onwards... Now things get tricky. You must jump from platform to platform to get to the next switch, but there is lava below you and swinging axes in front of you. Purple items come in VERY handy here since two axe strikes will send you starting from the beginning. After hitting the switch proceed on, to face even harder axes. There is an axe at the entrance and exit of the next room. Going into the room is easy. If you walk up close enough to the axe you can easily run right by. However, leaving the room is another matter. I myself have never been able to cross it without getting hit, so what I usually do is get to full health, run into the axe on purpose, and then scramble to the other side in that one millisecond of invincibility... If you can find other ways, more power to you :-) Proceed onwards, fighting and moving through the labyrinth. You will come to a maze that is totally dark. You can step on switches to light torches so you can feel your way through the maze, OR you can use minimap, which shows you a complete map of the maze in full light. Wow...someone made a mistake here! After this maze you will be forced to solve yet another mind boggling puzzle. Hmm...those four blocks DON'T go in the four corresponding holes, do they!!!??? Boss: Beogray Learn: Hammer of Evil Hmm...a demon made of stone blocks... This guy looks scary! Watch his movement and attack patterns for a little while until you are comfortable with him. Then, when Mar plays the special song, waste him with everything you've got. Eventually the eyeball demon will come out of the blocks and move very fast. Wait till he stops and use a projectile or elemental attack on him. In no time you should have this demon defeated... Area: Gaia's Tomb Whoa...we DON'T talk to everyone! Wow! Finally! Boss: NOT a spoiler This is it! The final boss! My strategy: Ok, this guy is no pushover. He has 5 parts:2 arms, 2 hip blasters(?), and a head. Go for the arms first, since they deal the most and can protect the other parts of the body. I suggest using Hand of Pyro(heh, doesn't that make ALL those other spells useless?) to target the arms. Charge up and unleash 3 or 4 projectiles at once, then shield up when it goes to pound you. After both arms are destroyed, you have a big choice to make. You can either destroy its blasters, or take a walk on the wild side like myself and go straight for the head. If you go for the head, charge up fully with Hand of Pyro and blast the head. Careful of the blasters, however, because they deal some serious damage! After ever successful hit you make on the head, it will unleash little bots. These bots don't deal much to you, but there are a lot of them and they keep shooting at you. When they are grouped up, use Bite of Lightning(wow, that makes EVERY spell you've gotten in the game totally useless!) to damage them, then use Hand of Pyro to pick them off. You shouldn't have too much trouble, and I suggest restarting the battle if you are about to die, since you definitely DON'T want to hear that story again... Bottom Line: Enjoy the ending(Hey, where did it go!?)... In my opinion, this game is VERY average. It made me forget my troubles for the 10 hours it took me to beat after I got home from Walmart at 7 in the morning, but that's about it. I hope this walkthrough helps anyone on some of the more annoying parts of the game that I had trouble with, and if anyone has any questions, feel free to mail them to me at 3.FAQ Q: Can I use items during battle? A: No Q: Damnit! I keep dying and I have to listen to that annoying storyline AGAIN!!! As if the first time wasn't bad enough!!! A: I feel your pain...fortunately, if you are in battle, you can hit start, goto change equipment, and then cancel to have the battle restart. Q: How many swords are there for Orphen? A: Just two, the Sword of the Fallen Devil and the Sword of Justice Q: What's up with these items? Are they good for ANYTHING??? A: Not really. They mostly come in handy during Mar's quest, so I would save them for then. Q: Does my defensive shield stay up forever? A: Nope, if you hold it down long enough it will disappear, which can be very dangerous at some bosses, so try and time your shield *just* right. Anymore questions? Email 4.Items The items in Orphen...are...well, shall we say useless? Although they can come in very handy at some points in the game, they are usually not a help at all. My advice is to get most of them anyway, however, just in case you come to that one spot in the game where they are required.... ________________________________________________________________________ Item | Affect ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Emerald Incense | Restores 10 hp Emerald Lantern | Restores 10 hp Blue Incense | Restores 30 hp Blue Lantern | Restores 30 hp Purple Incense | Restores 50 hp Purple Lantern | Restores 50 hp Herb | Restores all hp Perfume Scented Bag | Attracts flying monsters for 30 seconds Summoning Bell | Attracts flying monsters for 30 seconds Bug Attractor | Attracts flying monsters for 30 seconds Smelly Bag | Stops monsters for 30 seconds Sleeping Chimes | Stops monsters for 30 seconds ________________________________________________________________________ 5.Spells Here is a list of all the spells and abilities in Orphen: 5.1-Projectiles(Orphen) _________________________________________________________________________ Name | Fire | Ice | Wind | Lightning | Darkness ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hand of Pyro | II | | | | Coldness of Destruction | | II | | | Feathers of the Hurricane | | | II | | Bolt of Thunder | | | | II | Smoke of Pain | | | | | II ________________________________________________________________________ 5.2-Elemental(Orphen) _________________________________________________________________________ Name | Fire | Ice | Wind | Lightning | Darkness ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pinnacle of the Sun | I | | | | Hail of Heavens | | I | | | Falcon of Death | | | I | | Bite of Lightning | | | | I | Hammer of Evil | | | | | I ________________________________________________________________________ 5.3-Shields(Orphen) __________________________________________________________________________ Name | Defends Against -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shield of Immunity | Poison Attacks Shield of Inferno | Ice Attacks Armor of Purity | Darkness Attacks _________________________________________________________________________ 5.4-Weapons ______________________________________________________________________________ Name | Fire | Ice | Wind | Lightning | Darkness | User ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sword of the Fallen Devil | | | | | | Orphen Sword of Justice | III | | | | | Orphen Iron Sword | | | | | | Zeus Great Sword | | | | | | Zeus Bow of Darkness | | | | | II | Zeus Bow of Ice | | II | | | | Zeus Hammer of Rending | I | | | | | Zeus Iron Hammer | | | I | | | Zeus Blazing Baton | | | | | | Sephy ________________________________________________________________________ 5.5-Sephy's Dances & Balls _________________________________________________________________________ Name | Fire | Ice | Wind | Lightning | Darkness ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ball of Wind | | | II | | Ball of Shadow | | | | | II Dance of Ice | | I | | | Dance of Wind | | | I | | Dance of Darkness | | | | | I _________________________________________________________________________ 5.6-Mar's Flutes, Cymbals, & Harps ________________________________________________________________________ Name | Fire | Ice | Wind | Lightning | Darkness ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Flute of the Wind | | | I | | Flute of Ice | | I | | | Cymbals of Darkness | | | | | I Cymbals of Fire | I | | | | Harp of the Wind | Reflects swarms of flying monsters Harp of Darkness | Reflects dark attacks back at all enemies _________________________________________________________________________ 6.Monsters To use this table, the more I's a monster has in a category, the more damage it takes from the type of spell. III would be the most damage, and I would be the least. NOTE: Some HP values may be _slightly_ off because of the size of my TV. If anyone sees an error in this table, please mail me and I'll fix it and include your name in the credits in my next update. ____________________________________________________________________________ Name | Fire | Ice | Wind | Lightning | Darkness | HP ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lizardman | II | II | II | II | II | 62 Beholder | III | III | II | II | III | 73 Knifefish | II | III | I | II | III | 19 Maneater | III | II | II | I | III | 75 Sea Pig | II | II | III | III | I | 65 Aegist | III | I | III | II | II | 72 Hugger | II | III | I | II | III | 77 Airus | III | III | III | III | III | 15 Grok | III | I | III | II | II | 64 Killer Bee | II | II | III | I | III | 37 Hellfire | I | III | II | III | II | 75 Landoss | III | III | III | III | III | 20 Votoru | I | III | II | II | III | 65 Dex | II | II | III | I | III | 100 Sandworm | I | III | II | II | III | 58 _________________________________________________________________________ 7. Credits Special Thanks, Activision-For making this game, although it could have been a LOT better(or longer, at least) My dad-For being crazy enough to wait with me to get a Playstation 2 :-) Copyright 2000 Joe Lavoine |
View: 6136 times |
Updated: 2004.02.17 |
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