Panzer General

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Panzer General
Name of the file: Panzer General - Author: MIK - [PSX]

Win Barbossa Day
To win Barbossa Day 0 with a ''Major Victory'' typr MOQX as a code.

Win France Day
To win France Day 0 with a ''Major Victory'' typr UVAF as a code.

Win Kiev Day
To win Kiev Day 0 with a ''Major Victory'' typr WYBI as a code.

Win Low Country Day
To win Low Country Day 0 with a ''Major Victory'' typr DDIN as a code.

Win Norway Day
To win Norway Day 0 with a ''Major Victory'' typr JJNQ as a code.

Win Poland Day
To win Poland Day 0 with a ''Major Victory'' typr IIKL as a code.

Win Sealion (40) Day
To win Sealion (40) Day 0 with a ''Major Victory'' typr UWXF as a code.

Win Warsaw Day
To win Warsaw Day 0 with a ''Major Victory'' typr TTWY as a code.

Make weak units useful:
As you press forward, you will capture cities and towns. Your units will also become weaker as they take damage. When a particular unit's strength is at 1, 2, or 3 (the number below the unit icon on the battle "map"), place the unit in a city you captured. Since the city has to be unoccupied for the enemy to reclaim it, your weaker units will become more useful, especially if the weaker unit is a tank force. However, make sure that you rebuild some units, as having all your weak units guarding a city is pointless; you should have no more than three or four in the city, so the stronger units can come back from the front lines to defend the captured city.

Anti-Aircraft Artillery:
The AAA (Anti Aircraft Artillery) is not only effective against planes, it also causes a lot of damage to infantry. Tanks can also be attacked, but the damage is not as good as against infantry.

Anti-Tank Artillery:
Anti Tank Artillery can only be used against tanks. It is useless against anything else.

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View: 6031 times
Updated: 2004.02.24

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