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Name of the file: Persona - Author: ANO - [PSX]

Best Ending:
For the best ending, give these responses to Mae when you meet her in the Lost Forest:

Mae: "If I stay here I'll be safe, right?"
You: "Stop!"

Mae: "Why do you fight?"
You: "For everyone."

Mae: "Why must you live?"
You: "For finding the answer."

Get Chris:
Step 1: Talk to the teacher in the room north of the entrance.

Step 2: Search all the rooms on the 2nd floor.

Step 3: Talk to the students in room 2-1.

Step 4: Go to the casino in Joy Street and talk to everyone there.

Step 5: Visit the abandoned factory.

Step 6: Go to Yin & Yan and talk to Chris's mother. Tell that you know Chris and that you will be his friend.

Step 7: After leaving the hospital, meet Chris in front of the Sebec Building.

Step 8: Do NOT allow Brad, Ellen, or Alana to travel with you.

When you meet Chris in Mary's World, he will join you

Get John:
First get Chris then get Juliet and then walk around and you wil see John standing next to a tree.

View: 4531 times
Updated: 2004.02.24

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