Name of the file: Primal - Author: ANO - [PSX] |
Code menu: Hold L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 for about five seconds at the main menu, or bonus materials menu, or options menu to display the code entry screen. Highlight one of the "A" letters in a code, then hold X and press Left or Right to change it. Press Square to accept the completed code. Press Triangle to exit the code entry screen. Invulnerable cheat: Unknown Solum cheat: Unknown Aquis cheat: IMMORTAL or MORTALAS Aetha cheat: IMMORTAL or MORTALAS Volca cheat: Unknown Gallery cheat: Unknown Easkill cheat: Unknown Bonus A cheat: Unknown Bonus B cheat: PRIMAL Bonus C cheat: Unknown Bonus D cheat: Unknown Bonus E cheat: OBLIVION Unlocking all bonus materials By pressing L1, L2, R1, R2 and holding them for 5 seconds at either the main menu, or bonus materials menu there will be a hidden menu titled Magic Codes. Various options are here with a series of ''A''s. The value may be toggled by highlighting one of these and pressing (and holding) X and using the d-pad to switch characters (a-z). *This little tidbit was posted on the message boards here at gamefaqs and I take no credit for this* Enter ''OBLIVION'' in the last bonus area ''Bonus E'' and press square, then triangle to back out of the menu. Enter the tarot card gallery and then exit and a list of bonus materials should be present, enjoy! |
View: 5044 times |
Updated: 2004.02.24 |
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