Name of the file: Resident Evil - Author: ANO - [PSX] |
Make time stop during FMV. Unplug the controller during an FMV. The time supposedly stops. Change clothes: Rescue the other two players and finish the game. The phrase "You've got the special key" will appear after the credits. Save the game. Start the game that was just saved. Enter the room with the large mirror on the second floor of the mansion. Unlock the door in the back. Enter the closet and move all the way to the end of the rack of clothes. A message asking "There is an outfit that fits you perfectly, do you want to put it on?" will appear. Select "Yes" to change your character's clothes. Reset game: Pause the game during play and press Start + Select. The game will reset and return to the main menu. Unlimited rocket launcher: Finish the game within three hours without rescuing anyone or saving the game. A rocket will appear after the credits. Choose to continue playing after the game restarts. The rocket launcher will be available when the new game begins. Note that the rocket launcher does not shoot well upwards or downwards. Cheat menu: Successfully complete Claire and Leon's first and second scenarios. A saved slot is required for each of these. Turn on the PlayStation and hold L1 + L2 +R1 + R2 when you see the animation of Hunk stepping on the can. Keep the buttons held until the options menu is selected. At this point, you may activate cheats such as unlimited health and more. Configure game (Japanese version): Pause the game during play and press Start + Select. Game options may be changed before resuming game play. Change difficulty during game (Japanese version): Note: The game must have been previously completed on the hard difficulty setting. Press R1, L2, R2, L1, X, Triangle, X, Square at the title screen. The sound of a zombie confirms correct code entry. Hold R1 + R2 + L1 + L2 and press Select during game play. Hint: Killing Plant 42: Chris can save ammunition when fighting Plant 42 by using the combat knife. Only about a dozen hits with the knife are needed to kill it. Hint: Logging onto the computer: To log in to the computer in the lab, and unlock the areas B1 and B2, use the following passwords. 1st: John 2nd: Ada 3rd:Mole Hint: Getting the Star Crest: Go to the hall with the numerous paintings and crows. Put the switches behind the paintings in the following order: new born baby; infant; lively boy; young man; middle-aged man; bold looking old man. Hint: Save ammunition as Jill: When playing as Jill, do not shoot the first zombie that is standing over Kenneth's body. Instead, run into the dining room. Barry will speak to Jill before the zombie comes though the door. Barry will shoot it three times, blowing off its head. Hint: Save ammunition as Jill or Chris: Stand behind the statue in the room above the dining room. When the zombies come up on the other side, they will try to walk through the statue leaving you free to knife them to death. Hint: Bad language: Start a game as Jill. When Barry and Jill are asked to check out the dining room, follow Barry. When you are in the dining room, run out into the hall way. The captain will ask "Have you investigated?". Re-enter the dining room, then try to leave once more. Barry will stand up and say "Scared already... It isn't like you Jill". Walk near the clock. A zombie will come through the door. Barry will shoot it and then use some bad language. Note: This trick does not work with Chris. Hint: Game Counter: Complete the game one time. After you finish the game and restart, save over the old game, and you will get the "Next Game" along with 00-00 (meaning the start of a second game). Hint: Checking Zombies: If you are not sure if a zombie is dead, walk up fairly close to it (but not so close that they start chewing your ankles) and simply back up. If the Zombie is alive, the character will do a wary backup move instead of the standard backup done when there is nothing there. |
View: 6638 times |
Updated: 2004.02.25 |
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