Romance of The Three Kingdoms VIII

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Romance of The Three Kingdoms VIII
Name of the file: Romance of The Three Kingdoms VIII - Author: ANO - [PSX]

Easy Money
First you need to have a friend who is a free officer(for best results). The higher the relationship level, the better(this almost always works with oath brothers). You need to form a band, and invite this friend to join. Be sure to invite only this friend.Then, withdraw all money from the band's funds(new bands start at 2000). Then, resign from your post as captain. Your friend will try to convince you to stay, and when you refuse, he will give you 50 gold. Every time you form a new band with that person, it will have 2000 gold in its funds. You easily max out your money this way. This can be especially helpful when trying to get all of the items.

Select Up to 8 Charachters
While in game go to quit and pick Cpu as all officers. Then press L1,L2,R1,R2,select and start. You will be asked who you would like to play as, pick up to 8 officers.

100% Completion Bonuses
Saving the game after seeing an event/holding an item will add said event/item to your in-game log. Finding 100% of either will unlock special bonuses for characters created in the Create-A-Character mode.

Higher stat potential, more skills and more tactics for created characters
Obtain 100% of the in-game items/weapons

All NPC portraits for use in created characters
See 100% of the in-game event sequences

View: 5324 times
Updated: 2004.02.25

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