Run Like Hell

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Run Like Hell
Name of the file: Run Like Hell - Author: ANO - [PSX]

Cheat mode:
Enter the inventory screen then press L1 + L2 + L3 + R1 + R2 + R3. Note: This must be done each time before activating a code. Then, enter one of the following codes.

Refill Nick Conner's health bar:
Enable cheat mode, then press Up, Down, Up, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, X, Circle.

Breaking Benjamin music video:
Enable cheat mode, then press Left(3), Circle(2), X , L1(2), R1, Up.

Refill Nick Conner's armor energy:
Enable cheat mode, then press Square, Circle, X, Triangle, Circle, Square, Triangle, X, L3, R3.

Maximize rifle damage:
Enable cheat mode, then press L3(3), Square, Triangle, Circle, X, R3(3).

Maximize pulse rifle damage:
Enable cheat mode, then press Left, Right, Circle, Down, Left, X, Down, Up, X, Triangle.

Maximize shotgun damage:
Enable cheat mode, then press X(4), L3, R3, Up, Down, Left, Right.

Maximize repeater rifle damage:
Enable cheat mode, then press Left, Triangle, Right, X, Up, Square, Down, Circle, R3, L3.

Maximize assault rifle damage:
Enable cheat mode, then press Left, Circle, Right, Square, Down, Triangle, Up, X, L3, R3.

Maximize bolt thrower damage:
Enable cheat mode, then press X, Square, Triangle, Circle, X, Circle, Triangle, Square, X, Up.

View credits:
Enable cheat mode, then press X, Square, Triangle, Circle, Right, Up, Left, Up, X, Up.

Getting past the first Brute:
Press Triangle, Square, Circle, Square to get past the first Brute that blocks you.

Entering Storage Room B:
Enter Square, Circle, Circle, Square, X as the combination.

Opening the guard room door:
After going through Storage Room B and getti

View: 2717 times
Updated: 2004.02.25

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