WipEout 2048 - Vita

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WipEout 2048 - Vita
Name of the file: WipEout 2048 - Vita - Author: ANO - [VITA]

Complete the following tasks to unlock PlayStation Vita trophy rewards.
This is WipEout! (Platinum): Obtain every Trophy in WipEout 2048.
2048 Champion (Bronze): Complete the 2048 season.
2049 Champion (Bronze): Complete the 2049 season.
2050 Champion (Bronze): Complete the 2050 season.
Completist (Silver): Complete all events in the Single Player Campaign.
Elite Completist (Gold): ELITE PASS every event in the Single Player Campaign.
2048 Elite 1 (Bronze): Get an ELITE PASS on the C Class Time Trial on Capital Reach in 2048.
2048 Elite 2 (Bronze): Get an ELITE PASS on Empire Climb Zone Mode in 2048.
2048 Elite 3 (Bronze): Get an ELITE PASS on the C Class Combat Event on Metro Park in 2048.
2049 Elite 1 (Bronze): Get an ELITE PASS on the B Class Race on Unity Square 2049.
2049 Elite 2 (Bronze): Get an ELITE PASS on the A Class Time Trial on Metro Park in 2049.
2049 Elite 3 (Bronze): Get an ELITE PASS on Downtown Zone Mode in 2049.
2050 Elite 1 (Bronze): Get an ELITE PASS on Queens Mall Zone Mode in 2050.
2050 Elite 2 (Bronze): Get an ELITE PASS on the A Class Race on Empire Climb in 2050.
Prototype (Silver): ELITE PASS all Prototype Ship Challenges.
Speed Thrills (Silver): ELITE PASS any A+ Class Challenge.
Multiplayer Begins (Bronze): Finish an Online Multiplayer event.
1 Down, 19 To Go (Bronze): Complete your first Online Multiplayer Level.
50 MP Events (Silver): Finish 50 Online Multiplayer events.
Halfway There (Silver): Complete 10 Online Multiplayer Levels.
Multiplayer Finished (Gold): Finish the Online Multiplayer Campaign.
Multiplayer Completist (Gold): Complete all nodes in the Online Multiplayer Campaign.
50 Kills (Bronze): Destroy 50 ships in Online Multiplayer.
Rank 25 (Silver): Reach Rank 25.
Rank 50 (Gold): Reach Rank 50.
Beat Zico (Gold): Altima, C Class, Speed Lap, Pir-hana Speed – beat 52.00 seconds.
Mach 1.5 (Gold): Reach Zone 65 in any Zone Event.
The Unlucky 7 (Silver): Destroy 7 opposition ships in any Race in the Single Player Campaign.
2048 Speed Pads (Silver): Hit a total of 2048 Speed Pads.
Perfect Pir-hana (Silver): Get a Perfect Lap in the Pir-hana Prototype, in the A Class, Unity Square, Speed Lap.

View: 9816 times
Updated: 2012.02.20

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